Chapter 6

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Jungkook's p.o.v

"I'll start from the very beginning" She said

I just sat back and listened to her speak.

"Me, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri were all living together at the time and Wendy had got a call from Y/n asking if she could live with us because her parents left her she was only 17 at the time" She told me

I got mad when she said Y/n's parents had left her, what kind of parents just leave their child like that.

"We had agreed so she came from america to South Korea" She said

"Soon after she got here she got a job at a cafe not too far from our house. She met a guy named Hanbin one day when she was working at the cafe. They started out as friends but shortly after started dating" She said

Hanbin, where have I heard that name before?

"We had met him a few times and he seemed like a nice guy but what we didn't know was that he was apart of the mafia as well" She said

That's how I know him, he's the leader of the mafia group Ikon.

"He was nice to her at first but then...." She started drift off with her words

"But then what?" I asked

" He would beat her, he told her that she couldn't work at the cafe any more so he forced her to quit. He eventually made her live with him and would never let her leave the house. We looked for her so we could save her and bring her home. It took 2 whole years before she escaped and came home" She said

"She told us that he raped her everyday for the last 2 years, she was depressed and just not herself anymore so we packed up and left i got rid of any information on Y/n so i could keep her safe from him and others as well" She said

"She's been seeing a doctor and therapist and she's gotten better in the last 3 months" She said

After she was done speaking we just sat there in silence, i was furious at what i had heard about my princess.

"Who are her parents?" I asked her

"Frank and Sofia Y/L/N" She told me

"Okay you can leave" I told her

She got up and slowly made her way to the door but before she could open it she turned back at me and said to me

"Please don't do anything to hurt her we can't lose her" She said

She left without letting me respond to her.

"I won't hurt her, I won't treat her like everyone else" I said to myself

I got up and headed to Yoongi's office to ask him to look up information on Frank and Sofia Y/L/N while i looked for Hanbin and his stupid little group, they will pay for what they did to her.

Irene's p.o.v

Once I got back to the department I asked if I could go home early since I wasn't feeling good, which was a lie I just needed to get home as soon as possible to warn the others. Please Y/n forgive me for what I have done. I ran home as quickly as i could and then busted my way through the door and took out Joy on the way in. Before i closed the door i looked over across the street to see Jimin's car i just ignored it and slammed the door closed.

"Is everything okay?" Y/n asked me

I just looked at her and I could feel the guilt, she's so innocent she doesn't deserve any of this going on in her life.

"I have to tell you guy's something and it's serious" I said

I could tell by the look on their face that they were scared, especially Y/n which only made me feel worse.

"Let's get this over with" I said to myself

We all went to the living room and sat down on the couch, everyone sat down and waited for me to speak.

"I work for a mafia" I told them

I could tell they were all shocked and scared but I knew what I was about to tell them would make them even more scared and may possibly get me killed but I was willing to take that risk to save my family.

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