Chapter 11

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Y/n's pov

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and the birds chirping. I looked to see that it was 9:47am and I knew that if I didn't get up soon the girl's would come and wake me so I slowly got out of bed and did my usual morning routine.

~Time skip~

I finally got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans with a black shirt and a black hoodie and made my way out of my room. I walked down the hall and over to Wendy's room and knocked on the door and waited for her to open it.

"Oh hey Y/n come in, I was just getting ready to go downstairs. I just need to grab my phone really quick" She said and I walked in and waited for her to find her phone.

"Where the hell is it?" She said to herself I looked over and found her phone on the dresser and picked it up.

"I found it" I told her and then handed it to her.

"Thank you, I think we should get going to meet the others downstairs" She said and we left to meet the others downstairs for breakfast. Once we made it downstairs we went to the dinning room to see the other girls already there.

"Good Morning" I told everyone.

"Good Morning" They all said back to me. We all took our seats and just talked waiting for the food.

"So how did everyone sleep?" Yeri asked everyone.

"Good" We all said. We waited a bit and soon the guys who ate dinner with us all came in and took their seats and soon breakfast was being brought out and we all ate silently.

~Time skip (After breakfast)~

I decided that I would walk around outside in the garden since I needed some fresh air and some alone time to give me time to think. There just seems to be so much going on that it's hard to comprehend everything. It's all happening so fast. After what had happened at the doctor's office to then finding out that someone else who is also in the mafia has an interest in me to then having Hanbin show up and then having Jungkook show up is just too much for me. Why can't I just live a normal life like every other person in the world?

"Hey you okay?" I turned to see that Jungkook was standing behind me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I told him and then turned back around and stared at the bed of flowers. I felt him sit next to me and we just sat there in silence for a few moments before I decided to say something.

"Why me?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He asked me as he turned to face me and I turned to face him.

"Why did you pick me? Out of every other girl out there, why me?" I asked him why he chose me when he could have easily picked another girl out there.

"You're different then all those other girls. They just want to be with me for money because of who I am. I chose you because you're beautiful and innocent as well as a kind person" he said as he looked at me.

"How do I know if I can trust you?" I asked him. I wanted to know that I could trust him and that hopefully he won't be the same as Hanbin.

"Let me show you that you can trust me. I won't treat you like Hnabin did or anyone else just give me a chance to show you" He told me. I want to trust him but i don't know if i can but i know the only way that i can is if i let him in and try to put my past behind me.

"Okay" I told him. He smiled at me and soon we just sat in silence until he got a text and said that he had to go. I sat out in the garden for a few more minutes and then headed inside to look for the girls. I walked around for a bit and finally found them by the inside swimming pool.

"Hey guys" I greeted them as I walked over and sat on one of the chairs over by the pool.

"Hey, how was your time alone?" Joy asked me.

"It was good," I told her. We all just sat by the pool and talked for a bit when a maid came and told us to go ready for dinner. I got up and headed to my room to get ready. As soon as I walked in I went to the bathroom to get ready.

~Time skip~

I had just gotten out of the shower and sat on the bed because my head had started to hurt and I was getting dizzy. I started to feel a little bit better and headed over to the door but before I could touch the knob my vision turned fuzzy and then everything went black.

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