Chapter 4

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Trig is that like slanted, fancy text. I can't think of what it's called. Starts with an I. This thing. You get the idea.


Lexa POV

Lexa was in her tent looking over a map when her tent flap opened. "Heda, Anya wants word to take action on the skygirl." Indra said.

"I said no." Lexa said, standing up straight. "I don't need more to deal with. The Mountain is taking more of our people and Azgeda is rising."

"Heda, Anya isn't gonna give this up."

"If she wants to do this so bad, she can come talk to me." Lexa said. "And needs a good reason that's not just because we need information about her."

"I'll let her know." Indra walked out.

Lexa sighed and rubbed her forehead. She went back to trying to figure out how to take down Mount Weather.

Not even a minute later, Anya entered. "Lexa, we need to find out what she knows!" Anya said, pissed off.

"I said no." Lexa said. "I don't need more problems at hand!"

"This is why we need to talk to her!"
"Anya, I said no."

Lexa! I don't care how pissed you are at Nia but you need to relealize that we need to know what she knows. If she has more people and if she does, we don't need them becoming allies with Mount Weather."

"If I take down Mount Weather we wouldn't have to worry about that!" Lexa banged her fist on the table.

"Or becoming allies or joining with Azgeda! Or making their own clan and causing more issues!" Anya argued.

"What is one teenage girl gonna do, Anya! Single handedly wipe out the twelve clans?"

"You are gonna thank me one day." Anya said, going to leave.

"I'm ordering you not to go!" Lexa told Anya. Anya left and Lexa slammed her knife into the table. Lexa walked out of her tent and found Indra. "Follow Anya." Lexa ordered. Indra nodded and walked off. Lexa went back to her tent and pulled her knife out of the table. "God damn it." Lexa looked back at the map and tried to make a plan.

It was about twenty minutes later when Anya came back into her tent dragging a blonde hair girl. "Did you really think Indra would find me?" Anya asked, letting go of the girl.

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" Lexa asked.

"Tie me up on a pole for all I care, this is the right thing."

"I'm killing her." Lexa said, taking out her knife.

"No you are fucking not." Anya said, stepping between them. "You aren't thinking straight."

"You are not thinking straight!" Lexa went to step around Anya but Anya disarmed her. Anya put her knife on the table. "If you were anyone else you would be dead right now."

"This is why I am doing this because I'm the only one that can do this." Anya said.

"Put her back at the pod."

"Let me talk to her first."

"No." Lexa said.

"She already knows about us!" Anya said. "She isn't just gonna forget someone kidnapping her Lexa."

"Put her in the dungon." Lexa said.

"You really want people to know about this?"


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