✞ Rip that pussy

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After Hulk cheated on me, things haven't been the same. He doesn't even touch me in bed... It's like thanos has made him allergic to this million dollar puthay.

His loss I guess.

Later tonight I'm going over to Shrek's house. He messaged me earlier saying 'DTF' and now that Hulk isn't satisfying my needs; I'm in no position to refuse.


I knocked on his door in anticipation and he opened it (like ur legs). And I stared up into his thick, green orbs.

"H-h-h-h-hi Shrek uwu." I blushed profusely as he pulled me into his house.

"Wassup baby girl lemme rip that gorilla grip pussy." Lust dripped off of each word like honey.

"Aight bet." I jumped onto his couch and he proceeded to rip that pussay beyond repair.

After his final nut i screamed, "POGGERS~~!"


Yo im back to being held hostage, haven't updated in 5 months because i got outta the basement. It was short lived; they put me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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