✞ Donkeh!

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I sighed as I stared at my self in the mirror 'oh my god I'm so ugly!' I yelled. I gasped as a large figure burst into my room. I didn't get a good look at first but when I did i could've dropped dead right then and there. What was stood before me was the sexiest individual I've ever laid my eyes on. He had green skin and he was very tall and definitely had big muscles, 'shrek!' I yelled and jumped into his arms. We both laughed and stared into each others eyes and were both leaning in when something burst through the door, 'dOnKeH!' Shrek yelled as Donkey began screaming the lyrics to 'I want it that way'.

'Donkey what are you doing?' I asked, shocked. 'I have come to confess my love you for you Y/N!' He spoke.
'That's exactly what I came to do donkey!' Shrek yelled while glaring at the sexy creature before him. 'You have a wife and kids shrek! Let me have the girl for once!' Donkey yelled. I gAsPeD as Shrek whipped down the uno reverse card. Shrek teleported us to his swamp where we kissed and got married. And had shrek babies.

The End.

Tysm for reading this took so long  to write. Ik this is amazing so *hair flip* feel free to tell me how amazing it is.

This is a cry for help please call 911

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