✞ Fishy Coochie

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I screamed as I pushed the demon green bean babies out of the fishy coochie. Shrek, the baby daddy/ sugar daddy number one, held my hand tightly. I let out a deep gasperooni as the last baby fell out. The babies were cute little childs that will grow up to be hot and sexy like their daddy. I sat up and yeeted the second baby across the room. The baby did a several summersaults before landing in a handstand. He began to scream hymns of our lord and saviour Daddy Christ.

Shrek held my hands while we stared at our beautiful creations. The children all joined in and began to do the dance routine that they had been practising in the womb for 9 months. I felt tears come to my eyes because of how proud I was of my little childs.

YoUrE wElCoMe

Seriously this is a cry for help please call 911 I'm running out of time

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