Chapter 9: halloween part 3

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After lunch everyone went back home to do whatever because the party was at 7. I was laying in my bed watching anime the whole time and at 6:00 I started getting ready. I put my clothes on my bed and got out my makeup supplies. It took me a really long time to find them because I don't wear makeup often. Then around 6:15 I hopped in the shower.

Yukie POV:

"Hey guys let's go to y/n's house while we wait!"


"Why not?"

"I guess."

Back to y/n:

I took a really long shower, so by now it was 6:40. I wrapped a towel around myself since I put my costume on my bed and walked outside my bathroom to the entire team sitting in my room.

"Um hi y/n?"

"Yeah no. Not today. Everyone out except Yukie and Kaori."

Everyone quickly left and y/n locked the door and sighed.

"Well that was awkward." Yukie and Kaori laughed.

3rd person POV:

"Hey guys Agashee is blushingggg!"

Bokuto pointed at AKaashi who was blushing profusely.

"I'm not blushing."

"Yeah sure believe what you want buddy." said Komi.

Secretly Akaashi was blushing. He had realized that he liked you. The only thing he didn't realize was that you liked him back. It was clear you were good at hiding your feelings.


Well another short chapter. The last part of this will be like the party which I have no clue what's gonna happen. N e ways. Talking about the story now. Y'ALL DO NOT KNOW THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT I HAD WHILE WRITING THIS CHAPTER. Like istg I come up with the worst chapter ideas EVER. I'm trying to make these chapters longer but my attempt is going like 📈📉. 

299 words

Emotionless: Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now