Chapter 11: New things

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( Italic for the first part is Yachi speaking and the other is you. After the call, italic is thoughts lmao.)

Yachi🥰 is calling...

Hey Y/N!

"Hey Yachi!"

It's been forever! I think we should hangout

"I agree. Since it's Saturday already and November we should find a time next week or later."

Sure! I'll check the schedule for the team's training camps and everything. We'll probably be able to hangout during a training camp right?

"Exactly! We can find a week or something during winter break too!"

Alright Y/N I'm going to get to practice I'll talk to you later!

"Bye Yachi."

Before I go to practice which is in one hour, I need to pick up my car. Yes, I finally saved up enough for a car and my parents helped me with some of the cost. Perks of getting good grades I guess.

(You can choose any car you want but imma just describe it as I go)

The car I got was a custom teal colored car with a black dragon design on each side. I bought it a few days ago and I was just waiting for the design to get finished. At least I don't have to walk to school anymore, it's getting kind of exhausting.

Yukie POV:
"Hey guys- Y/N isn't here?" I say questioningly.

"We thought she was coming with you?" asks Konoha.

"No? Didn't she come with you or Akaashi?"

"She wasn't there when I knocked on the door, so I just left without her." Akaashi joins the conversation.

"It's because she left before I did." Konoha pipes in.

"Well did you look for her?"

They look at eachother and shake their heads.

"Idiots." Kaori sighs.

"Let's split up to look for her then. Me, Kaori, Akaashi and Bokuto will look in the parking lot and school area and the rest of you can look in the gyms. She probably didn't know that we switched gyms today." Yukie reasoned.

Everyone agrees and they start looking.

"Akaashi and Bokuto, you guys look near the school entrance and then meet us at the parking lot. The school gates shouldn't be open yet."

"Okay Yukieeee!" says Bokuto as he runs to the entrance. Akaashi sighs and follows him.

As Akaashi and Bokuto were walking back, Y/N had just entered the parking lot and was looking for a spot to park in. Yukie and Kaori had just gotten to the parking lot as well (thanks to them getting distracted).


Thank goodness I'm not too late. I wish I didn't forget all my stuff in the first place.

I got out of the car and heard my name being called by some members of the team.

"We finally found you Y/N! Oh and nice car!" Yukie says

"Thanks, sorry I'm late I forgot my stuff and had to go back for it."

"It's fine! We should go now! I don't want to miss spiking practice!" cries Bokuto.


"Now that we have everyone here, we'll be starting with serving drills. Y/N, would you like to go first? I know you've been working on the jump float for the past few days?"

"Yes sir."

You grab a volleyball and walk to the serving line. You waited while Komi got into position and took a few steps back before throwing the ball into the air and pulling off a perfect jump float that Komi couldn't receive.

Everyone looked at you in shock.

"You said you've been working on it for the past few days?" asked Akaashi (ooh you impressed Akaashi😏)

"Yes and it could be better." you said as you walked back to everyone else. Nobody was saying anything. They were probably shocked at how you said your serve 'could be better' when it looked perfect.

"Alright then let's continue practice shall we?" said coach.


Hey it's me again! I've gotten over the worst of the writer's block, but it's still there y'know? I don't know if I'll update as much as I did before. It somehow got harder to come up with chapter ideas. Maybe one chapter every 2 or 3 days? I'm going to ACTUALLY do my schoolwork now so I'll c ya! 

698 words

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