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The car ride back was filled with loud offset singing and tention. Lots. And lots. Of tention.

Ray and Mikey are in the next room making their own lunch.

"Hey Y/N!" Gerard calls from the next to.
I drop my rag and head over to him.

"Yes, bear" I asked

"I noticed something..."
Fuck fuck fuck. What is it now.

"Yes?" I asked s innocently, looking everywhere but him as his eyes stay on me.

He walked over slowly, which is making me even more nervous. He goes in for a hug and I except.

"-I noticed you grabbed all of our favorite foods but yours. Actually I haven't seen you turn down candy ever."

I knew this was bound to happen sometime.

"I don't know, I guess I just didn't want any. Is that such a problem." Good job, avoid it.

"No, no. It's just something I noticed. That's all." He says suspiciously then he walks back as a sign that the conversation is over. I don't want him to worry about me right now but that's gonna be another battle for another day.

~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~~
Mikey and I watched a movie and I fell asleep on the couch, no one decided to wake me up(like the assholes they are) and I stayed here all night. They're lucky there couch is comfy.

I decided it's time to get up and go to open the windows.
I don't see Mikey or Rays car so they must be gone.
I grab my headphones and phone them head to the kitchen

No not today.

I walk into the kitchen to get coffee, but I'm surprised yet not, to see Gerard outside reading the news paper and drinking coffee with a cigarette in his hand.

I get my coffee and add my hazelnut creamer and head outside.
"Hey bear." I greet him.

"Hi" he replied quite dull.

Wow. Okay. We're gonna be like that huh, okay let's be that way.

"Okay." I say then a chair over from him, so there is a spot in the middle.

It stays silent for a couple of minutes.
It bothers me so much. I hate being in silence , it makes my mind go into my dark past.
He knows that.

After awhile I start to think, thinking leaves me in a depressing mood. I stare off into space and think.
Think about them.
The people that made me go so sad I wanted to die.
I think about him.
The one who used me then threw me away like I was nothing.
The nights I spent with Gerard hugging me as a cry about my family.

"Hey!" He says snapping me out my world again.
I feel like my eyes are watering but I won't let any tears fall.
"I know you hate silence, I'm sorry." He apologized.
"Oh hello, didn't notice you there." I've been hearing a lot of apologize from him lately.

"Don't be like that Y/N."

"Like what? Like you?" I say innocently.

"Exactly." I hear him shift in his seat"Hazelnut?" What?

"Excuse me?" I say curiously.

"Hazelnut creamer in your coffee?" He smiles eyeing my coffee.

"Your remembered." I feel a smile creep up on my face.

"How could I not, you were obsessed with it." He giggles at the end.

"What did you have for breakfast?"
Shit what do I say?! Think think think y/n.


"Oh Mikey and ray must be home" I say turning my attention to the window so I can see where they are. "I'm to lazy to get up." I state.

"They will be fine."
I then put on my headphones and listen to music as I enjoy the lazy morning.

"Will you cut it out!" Fucker won't stay still.

"BUT I DONT WANNA! It hurts." Ray yells in agony.

I try and try but I cant get it out of his hair. The sticky gum is far up there in that fro.


"How did this happen anyways?" Gerard asked.

"Well, you see..."

~~~10 minutes earlier~~~~~

"Real mature Mikey!" Ray said at the twink right beside him. "Don't get it in my hair, you know what happens." He warns

"Being mature seems painful." The twink shrugs and goes back to shoving the gum in his mouth.
Mikey had a brilliant idea to see if he can blow a huge bubble.
And here he goes.
A bubble becomes bigger
and bigger
and bigger.

Then more he blows the more Ray tries to back up.



"Wow you really aren't the smartest." I sigh.

"Gee thanks" Ray sarcasticlly snared.

Grumpy much.
Well I'll get it out sometime.

"Y/n, if swear... If you keep pulling!" Ray shouts.
in reaction I flinch and take a step back waiting for something it happen, but nothing does. Except the eyes from Gerard burning into the back of my head.

I play it off by joking,
"Didn't your mother teach you it's bad to swear."
And then we got back to normal.

"Yah but did I ever listen to her before." He plays along. "No."

Liar, Ray is such a mommas boy.

And the award to for being the biggest bitch. In the room goes to... Drumroll....


We are currently watching SAW and Mikey being the ass he his keeps jump scaring me. I'm a loser when it comes to horror movies and gore. I can't handle it and I scream.

"AhHh... Don't do that you fucker.
AH FUCK YOU!!" I scream at the TV causing Ray and Mikey laugh.
"Ray you can't even speak! Your scared too I can see you shake and jump, you wimp!"

"Well at least I didn't scream!" He shot back.

I give him the finger and go back to the movie.

I suddenly remember, I didn't see Gerard anywhere, he must of left.

should I go check on him?
No maybe he wants to be alone.
But then again maybe he doesn't

I made up my mind. I'm going to go check on Gerard.

"Hey guys I'll be right back." I tell the guy.

"Haha, to scared!" Mikey mocks.

"Hahahaaha so funny. Fuck you" I reply as I start my way down the hall to gerard room.

I go to the room and start to hear. noises?
Like a girl...
And then the talking begins to get loud and loud. What the fuck is he doing.
then it gets quiet.

I open the door to make sure he's okay
"Hey you ok- OH GOD!!" I say in pure horror...

I didn't expect it open the door and see~

How We Change (Gerard Way X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now