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"GERARRRDDD!!!!" My 16 year old voice echoes threw his empty house.

"WHAAT Y/N?!" He yells before walking into the living room with his eyeliner still in his hand.

"time to go back to hell, SO HURRY THE FUCK UP!" I demand as he walks back muttering some words under his breath.

I start my walk down the hall when I caught off guard by someone jumping on my back. "WHAt the fuck..." i groan while laying on the ground. I lookup to see the skinny twig i call a friend on top of me. "Mikey What was that!"

"Hello to you too." he laughs as he gets up going over to the couch and turning the tv on. I walk over and jump on the couch next to him, But not before i smack him upside the head. He grips his head with his boney hand then turns to me "Ouch, what was that for!" I give him a 'are you serious look' and then he puts his hand up and says "Never mind I deserve it."

We wait... And wait.. and wait... But no the sass queen has to take his sweet time getting ready.

"Could Gerard take any longer?" I sigh and Mikey turns his head giving me the same look i just gave him. I glare and stick my tongue out at him then make my way to Gerard's room.

I walk in the messy room and see him rummaging threw his closet looking for something. I just lean against the door frame waiting for him to realize I'm here.

"Damn, I get a great view of your ass from here." I say startling him and he hits his head on something and then gets out and glares at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" He say in the sassy tone.

"Hmm, I don't think your worth the space in my phone." I sassed back.

"Ouch Sugar, that hurt!" He says putting his hand on his heart.

" Don't you sugar me." I made my hands into a gun and pretended to shoot him and he went along with it and instantly falls to the floor playing dead.

I laugh and walk over to him putting my hand out to him and he takes it and get up from the clothes filled floor. he looked me in the eyes and smiled. His hazel eyes hypnotize me and we end up staring at each other for a couple of seconds before he clears his throat and breaking our gaze.

"You know Y/n, We should really get going or the homeroom wicked witch of the west is going to get angry." I nod and walk out to go get Mikey so we could leave.

~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

Gerard, Mikey, Ray and I were sitting on the grass under the tree we go to eat lunch at chatting about things that came to our mind.

"-Y/n had a fucking kid and it had a big oval shaped head and a chubby body that was STILL smaller then the head, I'm telling you my dreams are fucking weird!" Ray confesses making us all laugh.

"Y/n, How long has it been since we were friends?" Gerard asked out of nowhere in his serious voice. For some reason it went silent until I reply.

"Um- You and Mikey have been friends with me since you guys moved next to me when I was about... in 4th grade, while you were in 5th and Mikey 2nd , and Ray came when I was in 6th." I answer wondering why he was acting so serious.

"I can't believe we have known you for so long and in two days you will be moving to Oregon." Gerard said sadly making the vibe go from Fun to bummed.

"Hey." I said before going over and sitting in his lap and hugging him. "Don't be sad because I will come back and I won't lose contact, if you don't respond to me then I will come back and kick your ass. Got it!" I say cheering up and he smiles and hugs me back.

"Yo can I get a hug or what?" Mikey said frowning at me.

"Same here!" Ray doing the same

"get off your ass and get over here then." I sass them.

~~~~Time skip to moving day~~~~

The next day they helped me pack and today was the dreaded goodbye day. Everything is packed and now to say goodbye. Of course all of us are crying.

"Be men and stop crying." I joke out trying to bring up the mood.

"HEY GUYS CAN CRY!!" Ray(The most emotional) yells making me laugh and cry now.

I go over to the 3 boys and start my goodbyes.

"Mikey" I sigh out there my sobs "Mikey Im going to miss you so much you pokerface bastard! You better keep me updated on things, got it! Take care of your brother for me and get out of your cave every so often. I love you, goodbye" I say giving him a loving hug.

"Ray, you are such a girl in disguise I swear." I say making us both laugh "Remember that can't protect you from everything, don't you dare get in another fight unless someone is sending me the video of it. Be a loving mom and watch over these idiots. I love you, goodbye." I give him a embraces hug while his huge arms embrace me into him.

last but not least...

"Gerard-" I take a deep breath and walk over to him.

"Dont cry Y/n you know It makes me cry even more."

"I know but I can't help it, Ive known you longer that any of them. This is so hard to do for me." I cry out. I jump into a hug with him. Ive had a secret love for him, I've so close with him and I'm saying goodbye.

"Your going to finish junior and senior your there and come back, Right?" He asked and I nod fast and let go.

"Gerard, Remember that you are better then what the popular kids say, don't let them get to you. Got to be strong and be the best brother to Mikey you can be. Protect and take care of him and yourself too. Im always here for you when you need, but I'll just be a couple states away. I love you." I sniff one more time then kiss his cheek and get in the car.

As we drive away I see them all waving at me and I way back. Gerard ran into the street and waved bye until I couldn't see him anymore. My parents turned on there music so i put my headphones in and look out to say goodbye to the New Jersey that I grew up in.

I will see them again.

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