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Mikey and I decided to get a job at the same place, well. Hopefully. We stopped at to many stores to count but I think I found one I would like. It's a little coffee shop but it seems to be popular.

"Mikey hurry up!" I yell at him.
"Damn y/n let me get out of the car first!" The string bean replies.
"For having long legs you seem to go slow as fuck."
While Mikey and I started to walk over to the shop are I walked faster to be ahead of him, but he decided to try to beat me. One step before the next, we end up fast walk racing. When we got closer to the shop I broke out in a full on sprint, with Mikey one step behind me.
I pushed and pushed but it was rigged, he has long legs. I do but not like him.

"HAHA!" He shouts when he wins.
"Oh my god, shut up , Mr. daddy long legs!" I shout back.
"Funny, my last one night stand called me daddy too..." ....he did not just do that.
I look at him in a staring contest. I put up my hand and for a finger guns and
POW, straight to his head.

Damn Mikey got hoes!

"Y/n" we get interrupt by.

I turn around and in my surprise I see
"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Ah nothin, I come here a lot." He tells me that but by the way he is smiling at the ground,while rubbing the back of his neck, I think differently.
He looks up and sees I'm not buying it, he lets out a sigh.
"Okay! Okay, I have a teeny weeny crush on this girl that owns this shop..." he explains with a whisper.

"Frankie got a girlfriend!" I say.
"YA YA KNOW QUIET THE FUCK DOWN." He says in all seriousness.
Damn we was louder than me.

"Do you know if she is looking for work?" Mikey asked.

"Uuuhhhhh maybe? I'm not really sure but it looks like She might." He says referencing to how busy it is in here.

I have to get in line but it's fucking packed in here I don't even know where it starts.

I wait Patiently for about 10 minutes before I actually get up to the counter.

"Hello, can I take your order?" She says nicely

"Oh! I'm y/n and my friend Mikey is around here somewhere. We are looking to see if your hiring?" Before I even finish her eyes light up.

"Thank god my last couple employees quite! Got experience?!" She says will all hope.

"I worked at a coffee shop in my old town! But I don't think Mikey has.." I finish the last part kind of sad, I really want to work with him.

"Uhh?" She's contemplating her decision and my fingers are crossed she will let him. "Does he learn fast?" She asked. I shake my head so fast I almost get whiplash "You got it! Just meet me after the store closes and we can make a schedule!!"

"O MY GOD THANK YOU!" I yell. "I will be back."
"Your welcome but remember that be close at 7!"

7 o'clock, I can remember that.
I find Mikey and when he sees my smile he is questioning. I give him a thumbs up and he starts to jump in celebration.

"Come on coworker!" I elbowing him "let's go home and eat."

"Sweet, yo we should go party tonight!" He says.

"But you do that almost every night!" I shot back. Truthfully Ray and I not big party people but the Way brothers love to party. Especially Mikey.

"But it will be fun!!" He bugged.

I'm contemplating it. As I said this morning I need to get out more.
"Fine. Fine" he shoots his hands up in victory. "I'm will go but if yo I leave with a girl please warn me so, I can sleep down stares. I don't want here that!"

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