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We got my bags in the house and in the guest room. We decided we would wait for Gerard to go to the store and get things to clean up the house. Im still not used to how the house isn't how I remember but i'll get used to it.

"Fuck you Y/n!!" Ray yelled throwing the control aiming for the couch but hits the floor braking it. Making Mikey angry because it was his controller. I couldn't help but laugh at it all.

"Your paying me back for that, fuck Gerard's going to be mad." Mikey says taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"Its not my fault that I beat you 10 times in a row in 'Street Fighter'! Now calm you ass down." say still trying to control my laughter. Ray gets up and walks over to me and stop right in front of my side of the couch. "Ray my afro friend, its just a game." I put my hands up hoping he calms down. 

He gives me a smirk and picks me up to put me over his shoulders, he walks down the hallway with me kicking him "PUT ME DOWN, MIKEY HELP!!" I plead but Mikey just walks behind him with a grin. 

"Mikey go get the water balloons ready please." He said and Mike fast walked over to the backyard.

"FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE PUT ME THE HELL DOWN!!" At this point I called him as many names as I could trying to get out of his grip butt nothing helped, ray stood there laughing while I'm over his shoulder held captive.

I laid silent for a couple seconds while he started to go into the backyard. I got the best idea to help me get down while staying silent though. 

Ray got to the the corner of the small backyard and set me down there, so I was basically trapped while they had water balloons. 

Im shorter than all of them which gives me an advantage. I charged and them and dove to the ground, sliding right past them.

I ran past them while they had water balloons chucked my direction but missed me.
I ran into the house and down the hall until I hit something hard and fell on my ass. I burst out in laughter while sitting and looking at the ground.

"What the fuck is ha-" I hear someone start and then randomly stop. I know that voice!

"Gerard!" I say shooting my head up and eyes wide. He looked different. He had long black hair and red eyeshadow. he looked paler and thinner. got to admit he is still as hot as he was before.

"Y/n, w-what are you doing here? Why are you here?" he said softy but in a tone as if i wasn't wanted. I got up slowly and looked up still because he is taller

"Wow, not even an hello? how rude, want a tough guy." I mutter but loud enough for him to hear. "You don't want me here?" I look at the ground feeling kind of sad but angry too.

"I didn't say that!" He shouted, Gerard fucking shouted! oh hell no.

"You implied it asshole, Why are you  being suck a dick!" I shouted back in rage. 

His eyes turn from mad to soft and looked at me. "Im sorry-" he didn't finish he just walked away. What a dick.

What happened to him, He was my best friend. The boy that I had a crush on since freshmen year. He used to be so sweet and ever yelled at me. I move to the couch and sit with anger boiling inside.

"So I guess you saw Gerard?" Mikey said from behind me. I didn't even bother to look up.

"What the hell is his deal." I spat.

"He's a little different." I jump tat the surprised comment Ray said While putting a hand on my shoulder and scaring the shit out of me.

"God fuck! Ray, warning next time. And a little different he yelled at me!"

"Just give him sometime.... We might not of told him you were coming." Mikey quietly said the last part.

"YOU DIDN'T, what the fuck guys." I say looking up at he both of them with rage. "Im going to talk to him." I get up and start walking until I felt a cold hand touch mine. 

"Are you sure thats a good idea?" I look and glare at Mikey signaling him to take his hand off. He got the message.

I walked down the hall to find which one is his. I could here the music coming out from the room at the end of the hall. I opened the door and saw crumbled up paper everywhere, and a black haired boy that i learned to love drawing at his desk. At least his room hasn't changed.

I lean against the door frame and knock at his already opened door. He looked at me and nodded for me to come in. I walk over and put my arms around his neck and put my head on top of his greasy black hair. He brought up his hands and held onto my arms.

"Want to explain what happened downstairs." I say softly.

"I was surprised." He muttered.

"I could tell." I let out a quiet laugh and sat down on his bed.

"I also though you were one of Mikey's one night stands."

"HOLY SHIT LITTLE MIKEY HAS HOES!! How does Mikey get some action and I can't? It doesn't make sense."

He turned his chair in my direction and looked at me smiling but not talking. 

"You haven't changed" He finally said. 

"But you have Mr. tough teddy bear." I joke causing him to turn away and giggle little bit. 

By surprise I got tackled down on the bed by Gerard and he started tickling me to death. 

"GERARD YOU FUCKING MONSTER S-STOP!!" I Cry out and so he stops. 

"Look who is being the asshole now!" he spits out playfully, I sit there laughing like an idiot.

"Can I get a fucking hug now, you are a my personal teddy bear remember. We made a contracted in 7th grade about it!" I remind him and he gets up all formally like and idiot.

He straitens his clothes and puts on a serious face, he then opens his arms and says. "Dear Y/n, Would you like your long overdo hug." in a British accent too.

"Why I would quite like that, loving Gerard." I play along and get up before rushing into his arms.

His embrace feels warm and comfortable, I miss him s much. 

"I missed you Y/n." He whispers in my ear, I smile and lick his cheek knowing he always hate that. 

He quickly released me and muttered profanity under his breath causing me to laugh out loud. "You are so fucking discussing!" He said starting of mad then turning into laughter.

"Yep that me." I suddenly realize Mikey and Ray were waiting for us so we could go to the store. "Oh shit, come on lets go." 

I take his hand by force and rush downstairs.

How We Change (Gerard Way X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon