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It's 8:47....
He is sleeping so peacefully, kind of like his brother but not as cute as Gerard.
His soft snoring is like a little child, he's not that younger from me but it don't matter he is still that little kid that knocked into my on my lawn.
The dirt on my hands didn't bother me much, hardening was my favorite thing to do in my summer free time. It's not like I have anyone to hang out with, everyone thinks I'm weird.

"Y/n I GOT YOU LEMONADE!!" My mother yelled from the porch
"ONE SECOND MA, IM ALMOST DO-AAHHN!!" I'm cut off from impact to the side, I topple on the ground thankfully missing the freshly bedded flowers.
"WHAT THE HECK!" I yell.
I hear crying from next to me and look over, it's a boy, not my age but maybe a year or two younger.

My head spins to the voice I hear, it's another boy, he looks around my age, maybe a little older. He's a little chubby but in a cute way.
He looks angry as he marches over here.

I get up off the ground at look at the both of them, still I'm trying to figure out why this is happening.

"HIDE ME!" The little boy says before he jumps up and hides behind my back.
I put my hands on guard to protect the boy.

"Hey give me my brother back!" The older kid demands. Rude, he could at least say please. Now I decided to play with him a little.

"I'm sorry I don't  know what you are talking about." I play my favorite act, the oblivious.

"Haha, come on kid I see him right there." He says point to the boy. I block his view once more and he scowls.

"Are you feeling alright? You must be seeing things." I edge him on.

"MIKEY LETS GO! I'm telling mom"
This boy the audacity to take my arm and drag me to the side, but before he could even reach The boy named Mikey.
I dragged his ass to the ground so fast dude-
I honestly feel bad, the kid didn't even stand a chance.

He look at me in surprise
"W-what are you?!"
"I am Batman" i reply in my deep voice.
I go to the boy that is now laughing at the kid on the ground. I smile at him and ask.
"What happened?"
He looked at me with a smile from ear to ear, he held his hand out all mighty read for me to shake it and said:
"I'm Michael way call me Mikey, that's my brother Gerard. I was running from him. I hides his favorite toy and chased me." He explained.
I laughed him and I shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you Mikey, I'm y/n."

I look to the boy I dragged to the ground and reach my hand out. He takes it my hand and I help him up.
"Nice to meet you Gerard. I'm sorry dude, I was just having fun."
He looked at me with a straight face for a good second before he gave in and smiled. He grabbed Mikeys hand and said
"Hey y/n wanna hang out? We don't have anyone else to hang out with."

I got a shock of excitement and happily shook my head yes. They both looked just as happy and Mikey took my hand.
"Lets go to my house then". Gerard said.
"Wait I have to ask my mom, also where do you live?" I asked him
"What do you mean? I'm your neighbor dummy!" He laughs. "Did you really not know that?" He asked in a lower tone.

I honestly didn't know that. I never usually pay attention to anything, I'm a loner. I like to stay inside or adventure outside my area.

"Sorry, I'm don't notice much." I say shyly. "My moms got lemonade though, we can get sum before we go!"

"Lemonade, yes!!" Mikey shouts.

"ITS FRIDAY GET THE FUCK UP LETS GO HAVE FUN!" I yell. I jump on top of the talk figure under the blankets.
He squirms and roles until his arms are out of the blankets. Then uses them to shove me off the bed.
I land on the ground with a big THUD.
But of course that don't stop me, so I jump on him until he gives in and is awake.

He sits up on the bed as I sit next to him, I give him his glasses from the desk and he puts them on. Of course he looks at me and glares.
"What do you have in mind?" He grumbles.

"YAY!! Get dressed and Let me go get the big guy up first" I reference to Ray.

Ray is easy, all I have to do is wake him up and he usually gets up.

I walk to his door and knock on it gently before I walk in. He roles around slowly trying to get comfortable.
I tiptoe over and  sit on the edge of the bed.
"Come on bud, it's time for fun." I rhyme softly giving him a soft shake.

"Y/n it's too Early for this." He complains in a tired manner.
"You don't even know what time it is." I argue
"I'm tired which means it's too early." He says back.
He has a fair point. I pat his back and send him back into slumber, I'm not gonna disturb his peace.

"Y/N! I thought you said that we would have fun! Not look for fucking jobs, dude I already have one." Mr. tall boy complains.

"This is fun! You get to drive around with me and we can fuck around with stuff, you know?" I try to make it seem more interesting then it is, Mikey wasn't having it.

He looked at me until I final admitted "fine , this is boring." But I added a "but!!
We can still make it fun if we tried."
I turn up the music to volume 78 and at this point it's blowing out our ear drums. Not like we give a shit.

"Surprise me then!" Mikey yells over the music.

We both start laughing. Windows down and rocking it the music. Wind blowing threw my hair and the feeling of being free.
It's starting to feel like home again.

How We Change (Gerard Way X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now