Part 1~Fire Prince

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Swiftly, the boat broke through the ice that covered the frosted sea. Prince Zuko grumbled as he struggled to complete his mission. Anger twitched in his fingers making him scream and threw the map across the room.

If it had been a normal day, he might have noticed the drop in air pressure or lack of smoke but this was not a normal day and Zuko had other things to focus on.

He was finding the avatar. He had to find the avatar so he could stop this and return home. Zuko hated the North pole.

He hated the annoying seagulls squawking and squealing as if their mere presence wasn’t annoying enough. He hated the freezing temperature that frosted over every bone in his body and made him shiver. But he hated the stupid thousands of gallons of water that surrounded him and make sure there was no way out the most.


"What?!" Zuko spun around, flinging his wrist at his uncle and making fire spread in the small room.

Iroh simply raised his palm and moved the embers away from him. "Tell me, nephew, what's got you so upset?"

Zuko and his uncle were complete opposites. While Zuko was short-tempered and impatient, Iroh was calm and patient- especially when it came to his nephew. Iroh was the peacekeeper of the ship and would always be sent into these situations to avoid any necessary... accidents.

"You want to know why I'm upset?! I'm upset because we have been out here for years and are getting no closer to finding the avatar than before!" Zuko waved his arms around, fire sprouting out of the hand he held up to Iroh.

Iroh was not amused. He blew out the fire on Zuko's hand before smiling sweetly. "You have too much tension building in your mind nephew. How about we forget about the avatar for a bit and go play some Pai Sho?"

"How could you say that?! Catching the avatar and returning home is all that matters! Not a stupid game!" Zuko slumped over the table, sighing deeply. "Just leave uncle, I'll have our new course soon."

Iroh knew it would be best to leave, and so, even despite the pained glimmer in his eyes, he left his nephew. "One day, maybe you will learn to find acceptance where you are now."


"Isu! Get back here now!"

Running down the path, Isuzu jumped over the root that tried to trip her. Her wild red hair flew off her shoulders, temporarily showing the light blue arrow on her pale forehead.

"Only if you can catch me!" Isu jumped up, creating a ball of air she landed on. She swiftly scooted away, zooming past the waterfall and barely turning in time before she fell off the cliff.

She let out a loud laugh as she sped up the slope and back down again. No one could catch her!


Isu let out a scream, feeling the man pin her arms down. She kicked out, delivering a satisfying kick to his abdomen.

"Ow! Isu! Not cool!" Stumbling away, Hachiko- or Hachi for short- gripped his side. His mix of red and white hair was thrown out of the place after the chase and his clothes were messed up.

Unlike Isu- who was wearing a traditional Airbender uniform with a yellow and red colour scheme- Hachi had an unusual red and grey outfit with grey trousers, a red shirt and a grey jacket.

"Wha- you tackled me?!" Isu pointed an accusing finger at Hachi who sighed.

"Are you seriously running away? Again?!"

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

"Isu, you are my sister- my little sister. I can't just let you walk out of here and straight into a war!"

"Why not? It's not like you cared for me before..."

"Isu..." Hachi let out a pained sigh, rubbing his eyes. "Listen, I know we are different."

"That's an understatement."

"Isu! What I'm trying to say, is that regardless of how different we are you are still my sister and I will always protect you."

"I don't need your protection!" The wind flew around Isu, forcing Hachi to stumble back. "I am completely capable of living my life without you or dad! I'm going out there and I'm going to complete my grandfather's mission!"

Before Hachi could stop her, she was hopping away. "Seriously? Okay, okay, stay calm Hachi. Take a deep breath and-" letting out the air in his lungs, Hachi launched into the sky. He hovered, easily finding his highly destructive sister. "Come on Isu, let's talk about this."

"No!" She sent out a shock wave but barely got close to Hachi.

"Stop being a child!"

"I am a child, old man!"

"You're 14, you're a teenager. And I'm seventeen! I am not old!"

"Old man!" She stuck out her tongue and continued flying away.

"Wait! Isu!"

His warning didn’t reach her in time as Isu went flying over the edge.

Letting out a scream, Isu forgot all her training.

"Isu!" Grabbing a hold of his sister, Hachi pulled her in and braced for impact, falling deeper into the dark water away from their home.


"Uncle? Did you see that?" Zuko looked out into the freezing water, his eyes flickering over where the splash came from.

"See what- Zuko!" Iroh couldn't stop his nephew as he jumped into the water and swam over to the sinking bodies. "Zuko! Grab this and hold on!" Iroh rushed to the side, throwing a life float over the edge for Zuko. Zuko ignored it, diving and pulling up the bodies he had seen before he linked his arm in the float.

Pulling Zuko back in, they laid the redheads down on the ship. Iroh ordered for someone to grab towels for the strangers as he took in their strange attire.

"Who are they?"

Iroh pushed back the hair on the girl’s forehead, gasping at the sight he saw. "They're Airbenders!"

In the shock of the new development, no one noticed that while Zuko should be soaked from head to toe, he was completely dry.

The Burning Truth-Peaceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें