Part 11~Bison

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Isu cheered as the sledge was pulled through the snow. She threw her hands in the air, loving the feeling of the wind in her hair.

Hachi smirked as he watched the group. Katara was having just as much fun as Isu while Sokka was not enjoying this in the slightest- holding desperately onto the sides of the sledge to make sure he didn't fall off.

Iroh was a natural, directing the polar bear dogs along the path while sipping at a tea that Zuko was sure he pulled out of thin air.

"There it is! There's the village!" Katara stood up, pointing towards the collections of hugs and igloos. She let out a tiny scream as the sledge jolted up, knocking her off her feet.

Isu grabbed onto Katara's wrist, pulling her back onto the sledge as she chuckled. "Careful there, wouldn't want you to be left behind."

The sledge pulled into the village, gaining the attention of everyone who rushed out to see what was going on.

Isu jumped off, a sparkle in her eyes. "This place is so cool!"

Falling off the sledge, Sokka tried to regain his composure. "Well of course it is. We're the Northern Tribe."

"Sokka! Katara!"

The two siblings froze as the old lady walked forward. A harsh expression settled on her features.

Katara gulped, stepping away from the lady. "Gran-Gran..."

"Do you two want to tell me where you've been?" The lady forced a too kind smile on her face, hiding the darker glint in her eyes.

Sokka took a deep breath, motioning for Zuko to step forward. "Gran-Gran, we need you to meet someone."

The tribe gasped- everyone knew that scar; everyone knew who that was. Zuko shuffled awkwardly on his feet, scratching the back of his neck. "Hello, Zuko here. But I suppose you know that."

Isu snickered, turning to Hachi. "He's more awkward than you are."

A tribe member scowled. "Why is the fire nation prince here?!" Katara could feel someone grabbing her, pulling her back. Even years after the last raid, the memories played in all their minds and they were going to protect their own. They screamed over one another forcing Zuko to step back.

Isu scowled, snapping her arms out and pushing the tribe members away from Katara. "That is enough!"

The tribe gasped at the air display. "She's an Airbender," one whispered in awe, making Isu scoff.

"'And Airbender' excuse you, I'm an Airbending master!"

"Well I'll be," Kanna stepped forward, not bothered a little by the glare Isu was giving her. "No one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought you were extinct."

Isu sighed, lowering her stance. "I suppose it must look that way to you. For us, Airbenders are the only people we know." Isu motioned to her brother, causing everyone to turn to him.

Still not used to the attention, Hachi tried to move away from the prying eyes. He pulled his hair down to cover his arrow as hunched over as if it would make him look smaller. Zuko stepped in front of Hachi, blocking the view from the tribe. 

"Don't mind my nephew, he's come quite protective of our dear Hachi here," Iroh stated, noticing the harsh glares Zuko was giving the little ones that we're imposing on Hachi's personal space.

Kanna watched the group, something strange behind her eyes. "You're missing an Earthbender."

Isu raised her eyebrow. "We are?"

"If you want to train the avatar you'll need an Earth bender."

Blinking, Zuko scratched the edging of his scar. "Somehow I think that's a lot easier said than done."


A long pause stretched out as the awkwardness of the group continued.

Clearing her throat, Katara brought the attention to her. "Well, we can do that later. First, we need to get a proper water bending master."

Isu shook her head. "No, first I need to beat airbending into Zuko." An evil glint sparkled in Isu's eyes as Hachi pulled Zuko behind him.

"You will not beat Airbending into him!"

Isu stuck out her tongue. "Coward. Just cause you've got a cr-" Isu couldn't finish when Hachi covered her mouth.

"Shut up Isu."

Isu spoke into the hand, a defiant glare on her face. "Never!"


Isu frowned as she stared up at the stars.

Sokka stumbled out, a confused expression on his face. "I thought you went to bed?"

Isu chuckled, leaning back. "Nah, I was seeing where we are."

"With the stars, right?"

Isu hummed as she yawned.

"You should get some sleep."

"Don't wanna."

"Maybe you would prefer it if you have a big polar bear dog to curl upon." Sokka whistled for the dogs to come closer, making Isu laugh.

"Thanks but they don't really compare to a bison."


"Yeah, back home we have flying bison that could take us from one end of the world to the other in a matter of weeks. What I wouldn't do to have Corno back."


"My flying bison. The fastest of the flock."

"Sounds useful."

"Yeah... Maybe we should fetch her before we head off to the North." Isu snuggled closer to the polar bear dogs, drifting off to sleep.

"Yeah, maybe."


Jumping around the sledge, the group reloaded with more food and water and thankfully, thicker clothes for the remaining journey.

"Do you know where you are heading?" Kanna stood beside the sledge, watching her grandchildren.

Isu bounced between the family, smiling wildly. "Of course! I've never gotten lost!"

Hachi raised his eyebrow. "Didn't you once get lost walking around the farm?"

"I was five!" Isu flipped Hachi over, pulling the air from behind his knees. She grabbed the map, handing it to Iroh. "Besides, Iroh leads in the day, I lead at night. Easy peasy."

Iroh nodded. "Don't worry, I'll make sure your grandkids return safe and sound."

Kanna smiled, thanking Iroh before everyone stepped onto the sledge.

"Don't worry gran-gran, we'll be back soon." Katara hugged her grandmother, before standing on the sledge and petting the dogs. "Bye, everyone!"

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