Part 32~Roku

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Sighing, Katara leaned back against the saddle, groaning as she gave up. "It's no use, Hachi. I don't see them anywhere. Our best hope is to go back to the village and wait."

"No!" Hachi rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake despite his obvious tiredness. "We need to find them."

"Hachi. I know you're worried but it'll be okay." Katara placed a hand on Hachi's shoulder.

"You don't get it! Isu's my sister and Zuko... well... You just don't get it!" Hachi shook his head, bringing his knees close to his chest.

"Hachi, I do get it. You think we don't know how you feel about Hachi, of course, we do. But stressing yourself out. They'll be back soon. Come on, let's go back." Katara took the reins from Hachi, letting him rest against Corno's saddle.


Zuko gritted his teeth as the dragon rushed around, charging at the statue at the end of the village at high speed. Bracing himself for the collision, Zuko closed his eyes when Fang disappeared into the statue and Zuko returned to his body.

Gasping, Zuko looked around in relief. He was still alive and he was no longer blue! Hopping down, he walked towards the village.

"Zuko! You're back!" Hachi charged forward, tackling Zuko into a hug. "I was so worried! Where's... where's Isu?"

Zuko couldn't look Hachi in the eye, looking down. "I... I don't know."

Breaking, Hachi stepped away, terrified.


Zuko stood by the outskirts of the village, awaiting Hei Bai once more. Just as he was about to walk away, the spirit appeared before them.

"Zuko, what are you doing?! Run!" Hachi stared in horror as Zuko didn't run away.

He stared up at the spirit, a calm expression on his face as he pressed a hand against it. "I get it. You're the spirit of this forest. Now I understand. You're upset and angry because your home was burned down. When I saw the forest had burned, I was sad and upset, but my friend gave me hope. With the acorns around, the forest will regrow." Holding up an acorn he had picked up from the ground, Zuko hoped it was enough.

Slowly, the spirit melted away, forming a giant panda. It turned away, walking away peacefully. Branches stretched out from the Earth, three villagers being released back to their families.

"Wait! Where's Isu?!" The spirit didn't respond as Zuko looked at Hachi. "I'm sorry."

Shaking his head, Hachi didn't want to believe this. "This is wrong. She wouldn't give up."

Zuko brought Hachi into a tight hug, rubbing circles on Hachi's back.

"Why are you guys crying? Did somebody die?" Isu chewed at her apple as she walked out of nowhere, looking over the gang.

"Isu!" Katara tackled the small girl in a bone-crushing hug, lifting her off the ground.

"Katara! Need to breathe!"

Katara gently put her down as Hachi hugged her instead. "I thought you were dead," he rushed, checking over Isu for any injuries she might have got.

"Well, obviously I'm not." Isu laughed, standing back. "I met a new friend."

Smiling, Hachi rolled his eyes. "Sure. Who is it?"

Grinning, Isu hoped back, holding out her hands dramatically as a large pink lion appeared behind her. "Her name is Phephe!"

"Oh, holy flying bison!" Hachi jumped away as Isu laughed, the lion disappearing as her power faded.


"Thank you, Avatar," the leader bowed to Zuko. "If only there were a way to repay you for what you've done."

"You could give us some supplies," Sokka muttered under his breath, "or some money."

"Sokka!" Katara jabbed Sokka in the side, hissing at him.

"What? We need stuff."

"It would be an honour to help you prepare for your journey," the leader smiled as Hachi leaned against Zuko.

"I'm so proud of you, Zuko. You figured out what to do, all on your own."

Shaking his head, Zuko rolled his eyes. "I did have a little help and there's something else."

"What is it, nephew?" Iroh's eyes narrowed though Zuko had the feeling that he already knew.

"I need to talk to this old avatar and I think I found a way to contact his spirit."

"Old avatar?" Isu tilted her head, her eyes shining.

"Yeah." Zuko scratched the back of his head. "Fire nation guy who rode a dragon."

"Roku? You met avatar Roku!" Isu hopped up and down in excitement. "How can we meet him!"

"I think he will only talk to me but there's a temple on a crescent-shaped island and if I go there on the solstice, I'll be able to speak with him."

Gasping, Katara stepped back in horror. "But the solstice is tomorrow!"

"Yeah, and there's one more problem. The island is in the Fire Nation."

Gulping, everyone stared in horror as Isu grinned manically. "Hell yeah! This is going to be epic!"


Gently, Zuko snuck to the side, stepping out of the camp they had made to allow Hachi to rest. The Airbender was curled up at the side, the blanket pulled up to his chin.

Pulling open the door, Zuko walked towards Corno and Pickle, stroking Pickle's fur as he woke up. "Hey, boy. Ready to go for a fly." Grabbing Pickle's reins and jumping onto his back.

"Excuse me. Where do you think you're going?"

Screaming, Zuko fell off Pickle's head, landing in a haystack with a groan. "Isu! What are you doing here?!"

"I am a very light sleeper. I saw you sneaking out. If you think I'm letting you go alone, you're mistaken. Come on, Corno's faster." Taking Pickle's reins, Isu packed them away and set up Corno.

"You can't come with me. It's too dangerous." Zuko brushed himself off as he stood up.

Laughing, Isu threw Zuko onto Pickle's back. "It's never too dangerous! Come on, you have an avatar to meet and I have an avatar to protect. Plus, if we don't get out of here before Hachi wakes up, he will kill us." Pulling on the reins, Isu spurred Pickle onwards and took to the sky.

"Hey, Isu... thanks. I don't think this is a journey I should take on alone."

"Of course not, stupid. Now let's go. I want to see Roku's statue!"

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