Part 57~Arnook

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Grumbling, Sokka sadly hung over the back of Pickle's, flying above the water. "I'm not one to complain, but can't the bison fly any higher?"

As he complained, the bison dropped lower, paws dipping into the water.

Scoffing, Isu glared at him. "I have an idea! Why don't we all get on your back, and you could fly us to the North Pole?!" She crossed her arms, utterly pissed as she crossed her arms, calming down for a second to pet Corno's head. "I think you're doing a great job, sweetie."

"I'd love to do that," Sokka raised his head, pointing at his back. "Climb on everyone, Sokka's ready for take off." Sokka let out a surprised squeak as the baby rabbits tackled him, climbing over him. "We have too many animals."

Hachi and Zuko snickered as Zuko jumped down, picking up the little ones and running his finger over their heads. "How can you say that?"

Sokka scoffed, pointing to the rabbits. "We have four rabbits, two bison, and I know Isu stole the hermit crab she still keeps in her pocket. That is about seven too many."

Sharing a gasp of horror, Isu, Hachi and Zuko hugged their respective animals, holding them far away from Sokka.

"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight," Katara held her hands up in a sign of peace.

"How about you take a moment to rest and enjoy some of my packed goods." Iroh brought out the food, a broad grin on his face.

"No, we can't because unless you've got better eyesight than me, you'll see there is nowhere for us to rest! There's nothing up here!"

Katara sighed, laying her head down and closing her eyes for a moment. She felt the wind in her hair and could taste the salt in the air. She could smell the water, and she could hear the water changing.

The water rose, solidifying into ice spikes. Isu and Hachi screamed in horror, pulling the bison away from the danger. Another ice spike shot up, trying to stop Pickle, freezing his leg.

Pickle roared, smashing through the ice as he fell off balance, almost throwing the others out of the saddle as he crashed into the water. Katara jumped to the ready, stopping the ice from coming at them and building a protective wall around them.

"Katara! Look out!" Iroh launched between Katara and the ice, using his firebending to prevent it from coming any closer.

With both distracted, none noticed the attack from the other side, sending Corno down. Water covered Corno's back, freezing her in place. The waterbenders took down Katara's wall, freezing over Pickle and pushed their boats closer, surrounding the gang.

Isu jumped down, grabbing her staff as Sokka jumped up, pulling out his boomerang.

Katara jumped up cautiously, holding out a hand to stop Isu. "Stay down. They're water benders. They must be from the Water Tribe."

Isu scowled, giving Katara an unimpressed expression. "They just attacked us!"

"Isu, stay down." Katara placed a hand on Isu's shoulder. "I'll handle this."


Katara smiled as she saw the buildings come closer. "There it is! The Northern Water Tribe!"

Sokka shot up, looking around. "We're finally here?"

As they grew closer to the city, they saw the wall drop, letting the boats and bison through.

Katara glanced around, her eyes wide. "I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here!"

"You think we'll find your waterbending teacher here?" Isu grinned as Katara nodded.

"I'm sure we will. This place is beautiful."

The team passed through the city's channels, seeing every sparkling building. Water ran through the city like veins.

Sokka leaned against his hand as he looked across the people, his eyes catching a young lady on a boat. A blush rose up his cheeks but soon, the sight the gone. "Yeah she is"


Staring in shock, Isu looked over the food they were being served. Drums played around them as Arnook stood up.

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe. And they have brought with them someone very special, whom many of us believed to be an evil backstabbing monster until now, the new avatar, ex-prince Zuko!"

The crowd gave an uneasy cheer as Zuko groaned, trying to disappear into his seat.

"We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age!"

Yue bowed politely, a soft smile on her face. "Thank you, Father. May the great Ocean and Moon Spirits watch over us during these troubled times."

"Now, Master Pakku and his students will perform." Arnook waved to the master waterbender as he stepped out, two students behind him.

Together they bend the water around them, merging and breaking them apart, turning it around them once again.

Sokka rolled his eyes, his attention drifting away as he caught something else. Yue was coming closer. Shooting up, Sokka grinned. "Hi there. Sokka, Southern Water Tribe."

Yue smiled, bowing slightly. "Very nice to meet you."

There was an awkward pause. "So uhh you're a princess, huh?" Yue nodded, an amused glint in her eyes. "You know, back in my tribe, I'm kind of like a prince, myself."

Katara snorted, butting into their conversation. "Prince of what?"

"A lot of things! Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation here."

Katara smirked, turning away slightly. "My apologies, Prince Sokka."

"So, it looks like I'm going to be in town for a while. I'm thinking maybe we could do an activity together?"

Yue tilted her head slightly as she laughed. "Do an activity?"

Sokka shuffled, embarrassed as he turned away, stuffing food into his mouth. Katara chuckled to herself. "Very smooth."

Sokka gave her a glare. "Like you're any better."

Arnook waved Zuko over, leading him to Paku's side. "Master Pakku, meet your newest student, the Avatar."

Zuko bowed, fidgeting slightly.

"Just because you're destined to save the world, don't expect special treatment." Pakku lifted his head, looking down at Zuko, who gulped.

"I don't expect it. I'm used to the rough treatment, and my friend is tougher than me."

Pakku scoffed, turning away. "I doubt that, prince Zuko. I will see you and your friend at sunrise. Good night." Pakku walked away as Zuko sighed.

"Well, that was terrifying." He fell back, looking up in surprise as someone caught him. Blushing, he jumped away from Hachi, staring at him for a minute before turning away. "Well, I'm going to eat."


Stepping forward, Katara grinned excitedly. "I've waited for this day my whole life. I finally get to learn from a real waterbending master!"

Together, Katara and Zuko walked toward the school. Pakku stood there, bending water easily.

"Good morning, master Pakku." Zuko bowed deeply as Katara stared at him in shock.

Pakku faltered, dropping water as he scowled at them. "No, please, march right in. I'm not concentrating or anything."

Zuko jolted, stepping back. "I apologise. This is my friend, Katara. She is the one I told you about?"

Pakku raised his eyebrow, turning around. "I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding. You didn't tell me your friend was a girl. In our tribe, it is forbidden for women to learn waterbending."

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