Part 14~Kyoshi

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Isu wiggled against the bonds tying her to the tree. "You'll let me go or I swear I'll show you why I spent my thirteenth birthday locked in the community jail!"

"That's enough." Isu snapped her mouth closed, hearing the new voice echo around the space. "You lot have some explaining to do." 

"And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the Unagi," a new voice shouted, making Isu raise her eyebrow.

"She has a name you know," Isu pointed out though she was ignored. 

Sokka growled in annoyance. "Show yourselves, cowards!"

Whoever had tied the group up, walked forward, removing the blindfolds they had put on the team. Five girls stood in front of the group, wearing white and red face paint that reminded Isu of Kyoshi. 

"Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?" Sokka glared at the girls as the rest of the group rolled their eyes.

One of the girls stepped forward, her fist clenched in anger. "There were no men. We ambushed you. Now tell us what the fire nation ex-prince is doing here? We're not under your control!"

Sokka opened and closed his mouth in surprise. "Wait a second, there's no way that a bunch of girls took us down!" Sokka tilted his head in a mocking gesture. 

The warrior grabbed Sokka by his collar, pulling him up. "A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's gonna eat well tonight."

"No! Don't hurt him! He didn't mean it," Katara took in a deep breath as she lowered her head. "My brother is just an idiot sometimes."

The warrior let Sokka go but clearly hadn't lowered her anger. 

"Anyway, we don't mean you any harm. We were trying to rest our bison after a long journey, I apologise for my companions' rudeness." Isu tilted her head slightly, a smile crossing her face. "Are you a Kyoshi warrior?"

"You know of us?"

"Of course I do! I know of all the avatars, their lives and the impacts they had on societies. The Kyoshi Warriors were set up by avatar Kyoshi after she made the island independent. Kyoshi was the best avatar." Isu smirked as Hachi shook his head.

"You only like her because she was violent."

"She was not violent. She was warrior and proud of it."

"Enough!" The warrior sighed as Isu and Hachi shut up. "Do you think we would seriously believe that you are just resting when you are with prince Zuko and general Iroh?!"

Isu blinked, a smirk covering her face. "You know the fire nation isn't immortal right? They need to rest just like the rest of us... or does he. Hey, Zuko, do you need to sleep?"

Zuko blinked in confusion. "Yes? Why wouldn't I?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Isu leaned back. "I'll put it on the list to test later."

"Do not test that Isu!" Hachi glared at his sister as she stuck her tongue out. 

"Why would you prefer to be the one keeping him up at night?" Isu beamed as Hachi stopped functioning. 

The warriors seemed to get more and more frustrated with the team's complete lack of cooperation. "Just stop! What do you want with us?"

"I don't know about the others, but a cup of tea would be nice," Iroh claimed with his signature smile. 

"Not the time uncle," Zuko hissed, making Iroh smile wider. 

"Always the time for tea."

Giving up, the warriors took in a frustrated breath and turned away. 

"Wait, you can't leave us!" Isu struggled against her bindings desperately. 

"Why not?" The warrior glanced over her shoulder to watch Isu. 

"The fire nation is still chasing us. If they find us they won't hesitate to kill us or worse." Isu shivered slightly, giving her best begging eyes towards the warriors. "Please, we are travelling with the avatar. If they get him, all will be lost. Hachi and I are Airbenders and we are all on our way to the pole to find a water bender teacher."

"That's impossible."

"It's not!" Isu took a deep breath, creating a soft breeze with her bending. "See!"

The warriors stepped back, walking away as they huddled together. They whispered over the new information. "You are the avatar."

Isu gasped in offence. "Why does everyone keep saying that?! No, I'm not. He is." Isu tilted her head towards Zuko who shifted his gaze awkwardly. 

"Hi." Zuko waved at the warriors before putting his hand back into the bindings. 

The warriors gasped, shaking their heads. "No! That's not possible." 

Isu laughed, smiling to herself. "You should have seen his reaction. I guess we're going to have to get used to no one believing us, huh?"

"Probably not that long though as soon we'll be on wanted posters," Katara added with a small shrug. 

Isu gasped, her eyes sparkling. "Wanted posters! We'll be on wanted posters!"

"Isu! No!" Hachi shook his head in agitation as Isu pouted. 

"But Hachi."


Lowering her head in defeat, Isu gave up her wish for a wanted poster. 

Slowly, the Kyoshi warriors untied the group, letting them come back to the town. 


Zuko stepped back as the tower once again offered him something to eat. He wanted to be grateful but it was hard when they kept shoving the food in his face. 

Seeing Zuko's distress, Hachi stepped back and 'discreetly' knocked the plates out of the villager's hands. "Isu!" 

Spinning around, Isu blinked in confusion. 

"Why would you do that?!"

The villagers turned to Isu, a murderous glint in their eyes. Isu gulped in fear, rushing down the path and away from the mess her brother had made. 

Hachi smirked, sliding up to Zuko. "Better?"

Zuko sighed in relief, giving a grateful smile in return. 

"Come on, I think I remember a place we can hide." Taking Zuko's hand, Hachi gently led Zuko away. 

Zuko blushed as Hachi intertwined their fingers and tugged him along behind him. Hachi laughed a little as Zuko stumbled over some rocks. 

"Careful." Hachi smiled, wrapping his arms around Zuko to steady him. "Can't have you hurting that pretty face of yours, now can we?" Hachi smiled as his brain processed what he just said. Blushing, Hachi let go of Zuko and turned around, trying to hide his flush the best he could. "Let's just go."

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