Part 49~Bato

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Isu grumbled, walking along the road when something caught her eyes. She slowly crept closer to the strange stick sticking in the ground, grabbing the hilt and pulling it out of the Earth.

Gasping, Isu ran her hand along the hilt, a grin on her face. "Hey, Katara! I found a water tribe thing!" Isu held out the weapon, letting Katara take the weapon.

Katara gulped, turning white as Sokka took it from her hands, studying it carefully. "This is definitely Water Tribe weapon. It's a whale tooth scimitar. See if you can find anything else."

The group nodded, scouring the ground for anything. A spearhead laid a little away from Hachi. He gently picked up the object, brushing his fingers along its point, sighing at the ash coating it.

"Sokka," Hachi held out the spearhead, watching Sokka rush over. "It's burnt."

Zuko ran his hands over a tree trunk, the scorch marks clear on the bark. "There was a battle. Water Tribe warriors ambushed a group of Firebenders. The Firebenders fought back but the warriors drove them down this hill." Zuko walked to the black spot on the ground by the hill.

Sokka pushed past Zuko, racing down the dirt path. He leapt over a few large rocks, the others stumbling as they tried to follow him onto the sandy beach.

Stopping, Sokka lowered his head.

Hachi looked around, glancing between Zuko and Sokka. "So, then what happened?"

Zuko shook his head, placing a hand on Hachi's shoulder. "The trail ends here."

"I'm not so sure about that," Iroh said, pointing at something in the distance.

Sokka cheered in excitement, dashing to the crash. "It's one of our boats!"

Katara grinned, running forward behind Sokka. "Is this dad's boat?"

Sokka shook his head, running up to the wooden beams. "No, but it's from his fleet." He stroked the boat, grinning. "Dad was here."


Iroh looked over the campsite, his soft eyes shifting from bed to bed. Hachi had curled into Zuko's side, using him as a human heater.

Isu had starfished out, half falling off the rock she had settled on- Katara sleeping next to the rock without complaint. He took a second to look for the remaining member of the family.

He stepped closer to Sokka who sat alone atop the boat. "Do you want to talk about it, you might find I'm a good listener."

Sokka sighed closing his eyes for a second. "I miss him. My dad left when I was so young... I miss him."

"I can understand your feelings. I left my own son to go fight in the war before I realised the error of the Fire Nation. He missed me too and I wish I had been there for him more. I'm sure your father feels the same. You will see him again, one day in the future."

Sokka nodded, rubbing his eyes when he heard something strange from the grass. He jumped up, hopping in front of Iroh defensively. "Who's there?" He held up his boomerang, his eyes flickering as he tried to find the course of the noise.

Slowly, the man walked out of the bushes, his eyes wide in surprise. "Sokka?"

Sokka raised his eyebrow, grinning as he recognised the man in front of him. "Bato?"

Isu groaned, yelping as she fell off the rock. "Who is important enough to wake me up?"

"Bato!" Katara grinned, jumping up cheerfully. Running to Bato, Katara and Sokka pulled him into a hug.

Bato returned the hug tightly. "Sokka! Katara! It is so good to see you two. You've grown so much!"

Isu shared a look with Hachi, slowly standing by Zuko and Iroh, a few feet away. They tried to speak but were quickly drowned out.

"Where's dad?" Sokka tilted his head as Katara asked her own question.

"Is he here?"

Bato shook his head. "No, he and the other warriors should be in the Eastern Earth Kingdom by now." Bato watched the siblings lower their expressions when a cold breeze brushed across them, causing them to shiver. "This is no place for a reunion. Let's get inside."

Turning around, Bato swung his arms around the siblings, leading them away. He paused, motioning for the others to follow.


Isu groaned, listening to the elaborate story Bato was telling.

"After I was wounded, your father carried me to this abbey. The sisters have cared for me ever since. Superior." Bato turned to the lady, calling her over. "These are Hakoda's children. They've been travelling with the Avatar. I found them by my boat."

Zuko waved awkwardly as the mother superior rushed over. "Young Avatar, it gives me great joy to be in your presence. Welcome to our abbey."

Zuko took a deep breath, glancing at Hachi who nodded into support. "Thank you. It's truly an honour to be here. If there's anything-" Zuko couldn't finish when Sokka cut him off.

"What smells so good, Bato?" 

Bato sniffed the air. "The sisters craft ointments and perfumes."

"Perfumes?" Sokka pointed his thumb at Corno and Pickle. "Maybe we can dump some on those two because they stink so much." He waved his hand in front of his nose. "Am I right?"

A long silence followed as someone coughed. Bato shook his head. "You have your father's wit," he announced, patting Sokka's shoulder.

He took the group to the tent he stayed in.

Katara's eyes sparkled as she looked around the tent. "Bato, it looks like home!"

"Everything's here, even the pelts," Sokka grinned as Isu scoffed.

"Yeah, nothing's cosier than dead animal skins."

Katara lifted the lid off the pot cooking over the fire. "No way! Stewed sea prunes!" Bato grinned, giving Katara and Sokka permission to take some.

"Dad could eat a whole barrel of these things," Sokka announced happily.

Hachi and Isu took a second to sniff the dish, jumping back in disgust.

Katara didn't notice them. "Bato, is it true that you and dad lassoed an arctic hippo?"

Bato chuckled. "It was your father's idea, he just dragged me along. Well, the hippo did the dragging!"

"Why? Why would you do that?" Hachi ran his hand through his head in distress. Hippos were one of the most dangerous species on the planet, why would they do that?!

Zuko blinked at Hachi, noticing how distressed the boy appeared. He awkwardly offered up Fuzzy, smiling as Hachi stroked his fingers along her spine, slowly calming down.

"So who came up with the Great Blubber Fiasco?" Sokka grinned, leaning closer to Bato as he laughed.

"You knew about that?"

Katara snorted. "Everyone does!"

Iroh grinned curiously. "What's that story?"

Sokka waved him off. "It's a long one, Iroh, some other time," he dismissed, not noticing Iroh lowering his head and Zuko glaring at his head. The trio continued to talk as Isu tugged at Zuko's sleeve.

"Let's go. We're not wanted and it might be better for them to catch up alone."

Iroh nodded, dragging his nephew out as Isu pushed Hachi out of the tent.

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