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Camp Half-Blood

          Nico and Jason stood before their fellow demigod relations. Everyone was decked out in full battle armor. After the second world war, Leo and Tyson and the rest of the Hephaestus cabin had put their heads together to create the battle armor. Lightweight yet tough. They were enchanted by the Hecate cabin so they turned into bracelets when unnecessary and could expand at a moment's notice. Every demigod was given this. 

        As the old knights from medieval times would say, 'The enemy was at the door'. Waves and waves of monsters, some never seen in a long time, were almost at the hill. Nico wasn't overly afraid for Annabeth. Chiron had said that she, Holly and Foaly had gone down to Haven to help out there. And Annabeth can take care of herself and, if the need arose, the other two too. No, the reason for Nico's unease was Percy. Nico could not feel the deaths for Artemis and Percy like he could for others. Something was up. Maybe it was because they had died in Haven. The radiations could be interfering with his concentration. 

         Now here he was, standing in front of the crowd. Nobody there wanted to fight. They had not had time to even complete Percy and Artemis' funeral. Every single demigod was waiting for revenge, no doubt. To avenge their friends, who had been so brutally ripped from this world. But Nico knew this was not enough. They would have plenty of time to mourn later. Now was the time to fight. He had to make them battle-ready. So began his speech,

" Greeks! Listen to me!" Instant silence. " We have lost two of our demigods to Kronos. Percy Jackson and Artemis Fowl. Percy Jackson was a great hero. Compassionate, extremely loyal and completely convicted. Artemis Fowl may have been different. But he was a great hero in his own right. Even though it did not show, he was unusually loyal to those he held dear. He has saved the fairy city of Haven more times that the city police can count. He has contributed so much to this camp within the time he spent here. 

"Two heroes. Two lives. Lost. They have been taken from us. Our time to fight back is here. We have to fight here, not to save the Gods, but to avenge our friends. Kronos took their life. It's time to take his. We should fight. We must fight. For our friends!"

Pure, raw, energy coursed through the crowd, straightening their spines. They were not going to mourn. They were gonna avenge Percy and Artemis. Adrenaline was charged in the air. They were going to fight for their family. Their friends.

" FOR FRIENDS!" yelled the demigods, as they, with Nico and Jason in the lead, charged the monsters in one mighty wave.

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