One on One

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Placed out for the two of them would be Capitol inspired clothing for each of them. Simple shirts and pants picked for their body types. Astrid would be upset the corset would be gone, but she was able to keep the rose gold lip piercing as a token of good luck. She and Randy met one another in the hallway that connected their two bedrooms, both of them looking like their usual selves.

Randy's pink hair, now blow-dried, was fluffy and a light shade of pink. And Astrid's blue hair, free of glitter and hairspray, was tied in a loose braid that fell down the left side of her head. The two met up with Nuyun and Layla for dinner, the Avoxes serving the four of them. Layla looked more at ease now that she was in her home city. Her outfits looked less out of place and her hair was more than welcomed everywhere she went.

During their meal, Nuyun would look up at the two tributes, "You two did well in the parade. But coming up, I will be training with the two of you for a few days to pick your skills and see what you can do. I will also go over basic survival drills, and make sure you know the difference between life and death in the games." Astrid and Randy glanced over at each other. They knew how to survive off of a single day's rations for a week, so food for them wasn't a hard thing to learn to fight for.

"Tell me, what can you two do? Have any particular jobs or activities you did back home? I know District 6 didn't have much, but surely you two must know something?" With blank looks on their faces, Randy and Astrid's expressions would tell all Nuyun needed to know about the two. They never knew any sort of combat, nor did they do any other physical activity. Sure, Astrid was built a bit better than Randy, but could that be because she was the daughter of merchants?

"It's alright, that's what these next few days are for. However, after these few days, you will be brought in the mix with the other tributes. Check them out, see who your biggest threats will be. Make a plan and figure out how the two of you will stay alive. You'll most likely be separated at the start, unless you make it an effort to find one another." Nuyun looked over at Randy and then at Astrid, watching their expressions. Nuyun wished with all of his heart that these kids didn't have to deal with the nightmares that followed the Games.

Layla cleared her throat, looking over at Nuyun. "Now, don't forget. We are still a team, aren't we? I will do my best to make sure you two get sponsors." Astrid would finally speak up, looking over at Layla with a confused expression.

"What exactly are sponsors?" Layla looked a little embarrassed, hoping Nuyun could help her answer the question. He'd sigh, stabbing his food in a forceful way.

"Residents all over the Capitol will be watching. Some are very powerful people who have some influence when it comes to the Games. If they like you, they'll shower you with gifts and items that'll help you in the Games. Like when I was in, the sponsors I gained sent me tools to help track the heat signatures of the other tributes at night. I was able to swiftly kill them at night, essentially earning my victory."

Astrid looked down at her plate, nervous of the idea of sponsors. She didn't know how to make others like her. She never really had any friends back home, and anyone she did hang with was either her hair stylist who overdosed or the piercer who ended up getting shot the day before a Reaping a few years back. However, Astrid had gained new friends during this hellish time. Her mentor, her escort, and her stylist team. They all supported her and cheered her on in the Games.

Layla extended a hand to Astrid, gently placing it on hers. "It's alright, dear. Nasir and Raven did such a beautiful job on you for the tribute parade. There is nothing to worry about." This somewhat put Astrid at ease, however it still didn't remove the anxiety she held towards the final night. Nuyun would get up from his spot at the table, finishing his drink.

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