A Large Sacrifice

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Astrid then placed Nate's head back down onto the floor.

"We need to move." Astrid was right, with Nate being confirmed dead, the aircraft would be there to take him away any moment now. Nagit silently gathered all their things, while Randy and Astrid carried Nate's body to the river nearby. Both of them would wade into the water, making sure the water was able to carry Nate. They finally let go when the current was taking him away.

His arms would be folded over his chest, his hands clasping a single flower Nagit had found by the riverbank. As his body moved down the river, the aircraft would make its way into the arena, taking Nate away. With a sword in Astrid's hand, and a spear in Randy's, the three moved along the outskirts of the inner circle, avoiding any open areas and covering their tracks. Nighttime was coming shortly, and the three needed to find a new place to hide.

They would manage to find a much smaller house that had two floors, and a fireplace. However, upon arriving, they would hear movement from the upper floor, seeing a shadow being casted. Astrid held up a finger to her lip, making sure everyone knew to stay quiet. She slowly began to climb the stairs that led to the second floor, making sure to be silent and stealthy. Upon arriving on the second floor, the scent of blood would hit her.

Ahead of her from the staircase, a trail of blood led to a shivering tribute. She hugged herself tightly, staring Astrid right in the face as she trembled.

"Please! I have nothing! Don't kill me!"

"I'm not going to kill you. Hey, guys!" Astrid called down to the two on the lower floor, the both of them climbing up the stairs to see Katherine shivering and trembling.

"Oh! You're Miss Katherine from District 10! How have you managed to survive so long?" Nagit began to approach her, carrying both survival packs on his body. She looked over at him, a nervous and tense expression on her face.

"I saw Colton get killed by those Careers. I got scared and ran away. I've been hiding in here ever since, terrified that one day they would come in here and kill me too." Astrid looked out the window, seeing the old house they were camped at with Nate. She would see something move in the distance closer to the cornucopia.

"Well, it looks like we're stuck here all night. People are moving and I don't want to get caught with our guard down. If they know we travel in a pack, then they'll leave us alone. I'm sure there are other lone tributes out there." Astrid looked down at Katherine, then over at Nagit.

"Nagit, fetch her a blanket, would you? If she keeps trembling like that, the whole foundation will fall." Nagit nodded, digging around one of his bags. He would pull out one of the blankets, handing it to Katherine. She'd gently take it, wrapping it around herself. Eventually, her shivering would come to a slow stop as she sat in the corner.

"I suppose you're hungry?" Katherine would nod at Astrid's question. She continued to stare out the window, looking directly at the cornucopia.

"I have a plan. I'll find a way to get us some food. For now, I need you all to stay here." Astrid began her descent down the stairs, Randy chasing after her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Helping us all out by surviving, what else?"

"The Careers are powerful, Astrid. They could kill you."

"And not you, which works in both of our favors, does it not?"

"Astrid, you and I promised one another to watch each other's backs. I would be breaking my promise if I let you go alone."

"Then come with."

"What about Nagit and Katherine? Who will protect them?"

"I think they'll be fine. As long as they don't start any fires, we're good." As Randy and Astrid discussed their next plan of action, Nagit had come down the stairs.

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