A Small Price

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While Nagit and Randy sat in their small hut, Astrid and Nate huddled in a hidden basement that was built in one of the houses that was bombed. It would be a few yards away from where Marie was killed, making the location they chose better than what they were originally at.

"How are you doing, Nate? I know that sight with Marie probably shocked you, huh?"

"Not as bad as I was when Maggie and Jaxson blew up before the Games started. I didn't even know that was a thing! Did you?"

"Not at all." As they sat in the basement, they went over what was in Nate's survival pack and their plan for the night. Like what was in Nagit's, they were also given an empty water bottle, rope, matches and a blanket. Astrid began to search around the basement, looking for something that could work as a suitable light source without causing much smoke. Unfortunately, she wouldn't find much that would burn with low smoke.

"I suggest we form a plan, Astrid. There is still Randy, Nagit, and I believe Chora."

"I know. Where are we? Outskirts of the arena near the river?"


"Well, I feel we should try and meet up with Randy and the others."

"What about the other survivors?"

"We will deal with them when we reach that point." Astrid began to climb cautiously out of the basement, Nate following her. The sun was beginning to lower in the horizon, and soon it would be dark out. Astrid recalled that at nighttime there was a higher chance of death due to tributes doing unwise choices, which lead to their deaths.

"Personally, I don't think Randy made it past the river. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to cross and wait in the trees to see what happens from the safety of the trees." Nate would nod, placing the survival bag on his back.

"And when we get to the river, we can also get some fresh water too." Astrid nodded once in agreeance, looking around the area. She wouldn't see anyone in her line of sight, signaling towards Nate to move alongside with her. She would hold the sword in her right hand, and with her left, she lifted one finger up to her lips to make sure Nate was quiet as they ran.

One moment later, she began to dash across the grass towards the river. Nate followed close behind, watching his footing as he stayed close to Astrid. As the two ran across the field, Randy and Nagit sat in their house and laid low. However, Nagit's voice would fill the hut.

"Is that... Astrid? And who is that with her?" Pointing out one of the broken windows, Nagit's finger moved with Astrid and Nate as they ran towards the river.

"It's Nate. At least they both survived." He would release a sigh of relief as he watched the two. However, they wouldn't be the only ones who saw the two run towards the river. Angel and Neil from District 9 were also watching. However, they waited nearby silently. Astrid and Nate were no threat to them, and weren't rude to them as other tributes were, so they left the two alone. Stopping at the river, Nate quickly dipped his hand into the cool water, holding the water bottle tightly in his hand. Astrid stood guard to watch, making sure nothing came their way.

Once Nate felt the bottle fill up, he quickly sealed it and he and Astrid were on the run again. They would successfully make it to the treeline, moving in further so they could get some distance from any prying eyes. They continued their path as they moved along the parameter of the forest until they knew they would get a good view from the trees above. Once they settled on their spot to watch, both began to climb the trees.

The sun was setting and the remaining tributes were settling for the night. The smoke had cleared and the tributes were set on their next tasks or targets. Meanwhile, outside of the arena, the people of Panem watched with anticipation what would happen. Layla watched the Games from her home, unable to appear publicly after the first day. Nuyun sat at a bar downtown in the Capitol, chatting with fellow mentors about the events. He was betting on his two tributes to survive until the end.

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