New Acquaintances

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By now, most tributes were watching Astrid work her way around the mat. Even sponsors and the Gamemaker were intrigued by her skills with a blade. However, when the attention was off Marie, she would get annoyed. She desired to be the star of the show, and it annoyed her to see all the attention was all on another female. Holding her sword in hand, she began to make her way towards Astrid, her grip tight and strong.

However, she would be stopped by the two tributes from District 1, Tritium and Taaffeite.

"Don't lose your temper over some silly girl, my dear. She isn't worth getting your blade dirty just yet. We agree that she is a show-off and is quite annoying. Along with us, Albina and Augustus have decided to form an alliance. We plan to take down any weak scum that decides to float to the top of the Games. Agree to join us, and you'll have first pick on who dies first."

The deal went down quicker than anyone thought. Randy would gain a worried expression on his face as his eyes landed on the five. His thoughts were soon interrupted by Nate, whose voice was also filled with worry.

"I see the Career Pack has formed an alliance already. I was wondering who would fall to that group. And I am not surprised it would be her." Randy and Nagit looked over at Nate as the three headed over to a nearby station that dealt with medicines and other such skills.

"The Career Pack is typically Districts 1, 2, and whomever else they see fit. If you don't make it into their group, it is pretty much them against the rest of us. You remember the Reaping ceremony, don't you? Districts 1 and 2 practically cheated their way into the Games despite it being illegal. I personally wish to see all of them fall and reveal to the world who they really are, a bunch of cheating jerks."

As Nate finished his words, Astrid finished her training. She would place the sword back onto the proper spot on the wall, looking around for Randy. However, as she scanned the training room, her eyes instantly fell onto the pair from District 5, Jaxson and Maggie. Maggie would be sitting on the floor near a trash can, vomiting into it as Jaxson rubbed her back in a comforting way.

Astrid took her time to approach the two, doing her best to not scare them when she spoke.

"Will she be alright?" Jaxson looked up at Astrid, scanning her features. He sighed and continued to support his teammate, looking back down at her.

"Nerves. The whole situation for us is new. Maggie is quite skilled in archery and climbing, but she is just so nervous, I don't think she'll be able to participate today." He sighed, knowing well enough that meant he was unable to train for the day also. Astrid wiped the sweat from her forehead, crouching down so that she and Jaxson were now eye-to-eye.

"I can watch her for a while if you want to go do some training of your own. I just finished a long training session and need a break anyways. I would be more than willing to sit here with her until she feels up to do some training." Jaxson gained a worried look, his eyes falling down towards his partner, Maggie. She was breathing heavily, looking up at him. Her voice, as she spoke, was soft and yet had a certain hoarseness to it.

"Go, Jaxson. Don't let me be your downfall in this competition. I'll be fine, I promise." The two stared at one another before Jaxson left, Astrid taking his place by comforting Maggie. Astrid sat by her, her hand on Maggie's back as her eyes scanned the training room. She watched Randy chat with other tributes, and Jaxson began his training. Her eyes eventually landed on the sponsors and the Gamemaker up in the observation room.

They chatted and drank alcohol, some watching the events down below. Her eyes eventually met up with the Gamemakers. His eyes held curiosity and excitement as the two of them stared at one another. Her eyes held passion and a fire for survival. He then winked at her before looking away, leaving Astrid to wonder why he had chosen to do that towards her. But her thoughts were interrupted when Maggie began to speak once more.

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