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The day turned into night and Nuyun requested for Astrid and Randy to join him in a specific car, the entertainment room. In the car was a projection system and a screen, along with couches and a coffee table. Layla was already waiting for the two to join her and Nuyun. Playing on the screen was a broadcasting system, different newsreels playing. Astrid took a seat near Layla, Randy sitting next to her. Nuyun turned down the lights in the room so that the image on the screen was easier to see. He then grabbed a remote that sat next to the projector, pressing a button.

"Just like the two of you, every other district had their own Reaping ceremony today. And just like yours, it was all televised. Before we make it to the Capitol, I would like to go over the other tributes from the districts, starting with District 1." 

As he spoke, he pulled a newsreel that was recorded from District 1. Everyone who stood in their respective spots seemed to try and out-shine one another. Their hair was trimmed, styled and cut in intricate ways, their clothing shone and sparkled as they stood in the morning sun. Just like Layla, there was an escort for every reaping assigned to each district. Nuyun released an annoyed sigh, watching the newsreel. The escort for District 1 called a woman's name, but someone else would cry out and step up on the stage instead. The same event repeating for the males.

"Even though it messes with the reaping, citizens of District 1 train at a young age to better their chances in the Games. And every year, just like you witnessed now, there is always a male and female volunteer. Meet this year's tributes of District 1, Tritium and Taaffeite. These two have been training since they were kids to make it into the Games, just like most children of District 1."

As Nuyun spoke, there would be a close-up of the two tributes. Tritium would be a buff-looking man, with short blonde hair. His muscles seemed to be more defined by the shirt he wore, his broad chest giving him a larger appearance. He wore a grin of confidence, his hand clasped around the other tribute's, Taaffeite. Her own blonde hair was curled and styled into a beautiful up-do, with diamond accessories to match. Just like Tritium, she was just as muscular as him, an excited look in her eye as she took in the cheers from the crowd.

Nuyun pressed another button on the remote, flipping from the newsreel of District 1 to the reaping of District 2. Just like how it played out in District 1, District 2 experienced two volunteers as well. The cameras panned to the two tributes for District 2, Nuyun breaking the silence. "Meet District 2's tributes, Albina and Augustus. These two are beloved by the Capitol, and they are considered the 'sweethearts of Panem'. Expect many fans and popularity with these two."

Albina looked like a Goddess from ancient history. Her body was slim and sculpted, and her fair fell down around her body in beautiful waves. Augustus looked like he came out of a colosseum for training. Like his partner, his body was also sculpted to look like a God's. He was just as muscular as the male tribute from District 1, his dark brown hair giving him a more serious and determined look. Looking at the two on the screen, an uncomfortable expression came over Astrid's face. Just seeing the two made her wish for the Games to be over soon.

Nuyun pressed the same button, the newsreel showing the reaping ceremony from District 3. As the two tributes were shown, Nuyun spoke up, "At least with District 3 you won't get much cheating. Then again, District 3 does really poorly in the Games that them cheating in any way would be some sort of miracle for them. However, that is neither here nor there. This year's tributes are Chassity and Thomas. Thomas has worked in the factories of District 3 most of his life, so I expect him to last at least the first night. Chassity knows her way around the different technologies of the Capitol. If I were you two, I would try and make an alliance with these two."

Chassity sported a pair of black framed glasses, her short hair making her look small and less intimidating than any other tribute. She seemed like the type of person who was small, yet deadly with any given weapon. Just seeing her made Nuyun worry about the other tributes he was going to be shown. Thomas was muscular, the average muscle mass he had within his body made Astrid believe he was the strong and silent type. He stood in silence next to Chassity as the cameras continued to roll.

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