Training Together

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They would both get to work, mastering firemaking, trap crafting, and plant identification. They would both work hard like the day before and eventually time would come to an end. Nuyun again instructed the two to help clean up the training room before they left with the Peacekeeper. Outside of the training room, there would be two tributes waiting for them, District 8's tributes, Nate and Blair.

Blair, upon seeing Astrid would approach her and grin a cocky smile, "Well hello there, gorgeous. I'm Blair, but you probably already knew that. This is Nate, the weak half of our team. We ended up passing by your training room when we overheard your mentors little story about how the tribute from district 8 brutally died. I'll have you know that I don't plan to do our district dirty like that. Do me a favor and kill yourselves, or get killed, before the finale. Otherwise I will come and kill you both."

She'd giggle and walk off, Nate silently trailing behind her. Astrid would roll her eyes, not taking anything Blair said to heart. Astrid was determined, but Randy looked a little shaken up from what she said. He was worried. Were the rest of the tributes going to act this way when they all met? They had only met four of the other 22 tributes, and it seemed like whomever they met was super cocky and determined.

Nuyun gently placed his hands on their backs, helping them to the elevator. He had an annoyed expression on his face, hoping that tomorrow, the last day for training with his two tributes, would be a peaceful affair away from any prying eyes. Nuyun's annoyed expression stayed with him until they reached their suite, Layla taking notice as he stepped through the doors.

"Nuyun, dear. What's with the scowl? I hope everything went alright during training." As Layla spoke, Nuyun would walk right past her and to his room, leaving the three behind. Layla gasped in an offended tone, jumping to the conclusion that it was her fault he was that way.

"It's nothing against you, Miss Layla. We just ran into District 8. Nuyun told us about his battle scar and his ultimate victory. The female tribute of 8, Blair, somehow overheard Nuyun's story and he seems quite bothered by the fact."

Layla nodded, seeming to already know the story he had told. "I see. Well, why don't you two get cleaned up for dinner? We can chat some more then." She'd shoo the two off to their rooms, where they would take well deserved showers. They weren't in as bad a shape as the day before, but they should still clean up for dinner. If they didn't, Layla would have a fit and make them go at once.

That night at the dinner table, it would only be Layla, Astrid and Randy. Nuyun's spot at the table sat empty, his food untouched. Astrid picked at her food, unsure of what to eat. Randy was on edge while he sat there, constantly looking around at the others as he ate. Layla slowly became fed up with the silence, releasing a sigh.

"So, besides your encounter with the other tributes. How did day two go? Learn anything new or exciting?" She'd grasp for any conversation topic, hopefully breaking the silence. Unfortunately, that night's meal would remain silent for the rest of the evening as the three sat there. Randy would be the first to excuse himself, heading to his room in a hurry. Astrid, out of guilt for leaving Layla, stayed with her and even joined her in the entertainment room after dinner had ended.

Sitting there in silence, Layla with a beverage in her hand, awkwardly sipped as she thought of ways to break the silence. However, it would be Astrid who broke the silence, looking up at Layla with a worried look.

"Based on today's survival skills training, I'm worried for the both of us. It's like he and I learn different skills that the other needs. Nuyun had a point where we will most likely be separated at the beginning, so it is crucial that we both learn how to survive on our own. And last night, I spoke with Randy and made an agreement with him. He and I will work together until we are the final two. And that when it comes down to it, and we have to kill each other, I promised to make his death quick and painless. I'm sure he plans to do the same when it comes to me."

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