The End

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Nagit sat up, looking over at Randy.

"Mr. Randy? Will you be alright?"

"No, Nagit. I will not be alright."

"Ah, okay." The room fell silent, Nagit beginning to dig through his bag. He would pull out a silver canister that held warm soup. He also pulled out two different letters, both addressed to him. Nagit looked over the bag that was meant for Randy and Astrid, breaking the silence.

"Mr. Randy? Will you be opening your bag?"

"No, Nagit."

"Would you like me to open it for you?"


Nagit crawled over to where the District 6 bag would be. He would end up pulling out several letters, both addressed to Randy and Astrid. There would also be something from their mentor, a silver container with a rose gold lip piercing.

"You got several letters too, Mr. Randy. One smells really sweet, like flowers. There is also a thing in here from your mentor, 'N'." Upon hearing something was there from Nuyun, Randy sat up holding out his hand.

"Let me see, please." Nagit would hand it over, Randy looking inside. There would be a note from Nuyun saying, "Wear with pride." Below the note would be the rose gold lip piercing meant for Astrid. Upon seeing the lip piercing, Randy began to break down into hysterics. At first it was laughter, but his laughter turned to sobbing as he held the piercing close.

"It's a lip piercing. What's wrong with that?"

"It was Astrid's. She wore it every time we had a public viewing. The tribute parade, the interview. She was supposed to wear it for the Games too, but she didn't. It was supposed to symbolize our team. Nagit, I need you to look away for a moment."

"Oh, uh, of course." He would do so, looking away from Randy. What Nagit wouldn't see, he would hear. The sound of skin being torn as Randy forced the lip piercing through his lower lip. He held back his tears, sniffling as he wiped away the blood from his lip. Nagit slowly turned back around to find that Randy had forced the piercing into his lip in the same location Astrid wore hers. Nagit gave Randy a small smile, understanding why he had put it in.

Randy also looked down at the letters he was given. One from Layla, one from Nasir, and another from Aryn. It hurt that he wasn't able to have one from Eteran, but it didn't matter. He was pumped with adrenaline and was ready to end it all. He and Nagit gathered their things. Nagit was worried, for it was the final showdown with the last five remaining tributes. Randy held tight to his spear, looking back at Nagit.

"Let's go, shall we?" He would nod back at Randy, following him out of the house. Randy had a plan. Head straight for the cornucopia and kill any who gets in their way. As they walked, they would begin to feel the ground shake. Looking around, they both stopped at a sight behind them. The river. It was almost as if it was draining. Nagit looked up at Randy, a worried expression on his face.

"I don't like this, Mr. Randy."

"Neither do I, Nagit. Let's keep moving." Under Randy's word, they began to move faster towards the cornucopia. They could see it in sight. But as they kept running, the ground continued to shake more and more. Around them they began to see walls of water coming from all directions. Randy would grab Nagit's hand, practically dragging him to the center. Due to the speed of the oncoming water wall, there would be the sounds of screams, two cannons going off. Randy and Nagit climbed the wall of the cornucopia, Randy sticking his spear into the top as hard as he could, holding on tight to Nagit.

The water walls would wash up against the cornucopia, the rushing water impacting Randy and Nagit with a powerful force. The two would be drenched in water as Randy held on tight to Nagit. However, due to the powerful force of water, Nagit would begin to slip from Randy's grasp. Randy called for Nagit, and Nagit called back, trying to hold onto Randy. However, their efforts would futile as Nagit slipped out of Randy's grasp, falling down when the water walls began to recede back to the river.

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