~Chapter 3~

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|Cursed World|


A few hours had passed since the sound of the final bang the group mourning both together and separately. I'd almost gotten caught a couple of times; whether it was falling down a sand dune, trying so hard to hold in a shriek, or something more simple like forgetting to hide behind something when on flat land.

The idea to reveal myself plagued my mind. It was all I could think about. But to hell there was never a right moment. By now I was running out of both food and water, not having eaten in at least a day and a bit. We did stop off in a small area with maybe two or three buildings but there was nothing useful.

At the moment we're continuously walking over multiple sand dunes, the sun high in the sky since it's midday. A slow wind travelled across the layers and layers of sand.

The group had settled down not too far away behind an old, broken building; but only the top of it was visible. I had situated myself at least 20 meters away behind a broken car, not close enough to be seen but still in hearing distance. The car offered little shelter from the sun's blazing rays a layer of swear forming on my head. My vision was fuzzy from the lack of either food or water.

I turned to look at the group making sure they were still there, which they were. However, the thing that caught my eye was the pair that were starting strait back. My back immediately forced it's self onto the scorching metal my eyes closing in both pain - from the heat of the car - and fear that the person saw me.

The air had gone silent, not a single sound could be heard for miles. I slowed my breathing to match the silence but my heart kept pumping, threatening to leap out of my chest. I'm so done for. I should have revealed myself ages ago, and now I'm going to get caught. It was as if the world had been sucked into the void of space, no inch left unsilenced yet the fear of floating in the void forever remained.

Slow crunches of sand indicating slow footsteps travelled through the air cutting the silence. They became louder and louder as the person inevitably got closer and closer. Holding my breath made me feel slightly calmer but what was I really worried about. The realisation that they might not accept me, or the unnerving fact that I was essentially stalking them.

The footsteps stopped not too far from my position. Ever so slowly I peaked around the corner, feeling like a little kid who had just been found in a game of hide and seek, my hood was still up, covering most of my head whilst the deep red bandana covered the lower half of my face.

My deep royal blue eyes met his honey brown ones, faces only inches apart, our gazes both locked and unwavering.

Many thoughts rushed through my head thinking of all the possible outcomes, the heat made my vision blur as a piercing headache threatened to spill. The lack of food, water and rest took a toll on my body. The edges of my vision filled with back spots and I slowly toppled over the last thing I see being the brown eyed boys concerned eyes as he caught me in his arms.


The crackling of a fire always reminded me of my time back in the maze. We would all gather round it and play fun games, laughing at each other. I miss those days, the days the sun shone down on the grass filled plain, trees billowing in the wind whilst Kira shouted orders around; she was our leader. A brave, kindhearted girl, one of the first to be put there. But that's also why I hate the sound, it reminds me of my family. The family I would never see again.

Runaway {Thomas} TMR: scorch trialsWhere stories live. Discover now