Chapter 32

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Jungkook wouldn't have minded something simple like cereal for breakfast, but Jin insisted on cooking him breakfast.

"You need something more nutritious to help you heal faster," Jin said sternly.

Jungkook didn't have a say in the matter as Jin got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

 Jungkook decided to stay in bed a little longer. He kept looking at the place where Jin slept. Despite what he might have expected, it wasn't awkward at all.

Jungkook was surprised when Jin walked back in a while later with a plate full of delicious-smelling food. "Breakfast in bed!" Jin grinned.

"Wow, thank you," Jungkook said as Jin carefully put the plate on his lap. Nobody had ever done something like this for him before, besides maybe his parents. He looked at Jin, who was already staring at him intently as he said, "Go on, take a bite!"

"I'm not eating until you get in here with your own plate," Jungkook said stubbornly. "Haven't you ever heard that the chef is supposed to take the first bite?"

"Fine," Jin rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. He came back about a minute later with his own plate and got settled on the bed beside Jungkook.

Jungkook wondered if this was the type of thing couples did. He wouldn't know. He dated around a bit in the past, but nothing serious enough to live with a partner.

They both started to eat and of course, it was delicious. Jungkook felt lucky that Jin was still with him. Then, the reminder of why Jin was with him put a damper on his good mood. He felt a lot more useless with a broken wrist, especially since it was his dominant hand that got injured. He feared that he wouldn't be able to properly protect Jin if something happened.

Jin laughed at Jungkook as his left hand shook while bringing the chopsticks to his mouth. Jungkook didn't mind. Something seemed different about Jin today, Jungkook thought. He seemed happier, more carefree.


Later, Jin helped Jungkook make his bed and take the medicine the hospital gave him. It helped a lot with the soreness in his wrist.

Jungkook thought about it a lot and if a situation like last night happened again, where Jungkook wasn't able to get home on time, he didn't want Jin to feel helpless with no way to contact him.

"I think you should have a phone so something like yesterday doesn't happen again. What do you think?"

Jin looked up from studying his hand of cards - they were playing at the table. "I don't want it to happen again either, but I don't have any of my money right now."

"Jin," Jungkook chided. "I'll buy it for you."

Yes, Jungkook still had Jin's old phone, the one he dropped before he was taken, but he'd been keeping it turned off. Maybe he was being paranoid, but who knows what Captain Min could have done to it before giving it to Jungkook?

"A-are you sure? Phones are expensive these days." Jin said as he put a card down. It was the wrong move - Jungkook had a chance to win the game, but he didn't take it. He played another card instead.

"I'm sure," Jungkook confirmed. "I'll go to the mall after we're done this hand." It was already past noon, all the stores should be open by now.

A few minutes later, Jin's face lit up when he won the game. "One more round before you go?" And Jungkook couldn't say no.


Jungkook went to the mall alone. As much as he would have liked to take Jin with him, he knew the dangers of him being in such a crowded place. He didn't know which phones were good and which ones were bad so he just found the newest model of the brand Jin was using before and added it to his plan.

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