Chapter 3 (Deku)

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"That's why you called me? Why don't you do it Shigaraki? Your quirk is scary enough for any pro."

"I would except I'm busy."

Deku sighs. Sometimes he wishes he hadn't gotten so good at this part of the job. It's annoying when they always leave getting dirty to him. "Well what about Kurogiri then? Send him through your gate in little pieces. That'll make him talk."

"Do you want to be the one to clean up all that blood?" Kurogiri asks.

"It's your mess. Not my problem."

"We want information before he dies," Shigaraki says as he scratches his neck. "Besides, his warp gate doesn't work like that."

"Yeah alright," Deku grumbles as he heads down to where they hold the prisoners. "The next one's on you."

Villains who don't like getting messy. Such a pain in my ass.

He walks by several empty cells before finding the one occupied by the beat-up man. Snapping his fingers, Deku holds up his flame to face of the prisoner with a smile he can't hold back. Even though it's annoying, he still can't help the thrill this part of the job gives him. This feeling. . . well, there'd be no sense in going back now.

"So, where do we start?" He asks excitedly to the pro hero in front of him.

* * * *

Deku takes his time walking through the dark alleys of the city, hood up and head down.

Missions like these take preparation. And for this he needs as much time to prepare as he can get. Especially when he is involved.

Bakugou. . .

Deku's eyes flash red as the anger from the mere thought of his name boils his blood—literally. The pure rage he feels when remembering his past sends his quirk into a frenzy. He doesn't mean to. But all this power. . . sometimes he forgets. Sometimes he just can't control it.

Once Deku finds an empty ally he throws off his hood and tilts back his head. If he is going to get anywhere today he needs to calm down.

A man stumbles into the alleyway, causing Deku to cock his back in curiosity. "Oh heey duude," the man slurs. "Ssory. I didn't know ssomeeone eelsse liked thisss-spot too."

Deku slides his hood back over his bushy green hair and eyes. He can't be having someone he's not yet sure they will walk away see his face. "You best get out of here old man. I'm not in the best of moods today."

"Whadd you sssay?"

"You heard." Deku sniffs the air then wrinkles his nose in disgust. "How drunk are you? There's a garbage can around the corner. Go over there before you puke all over my new clothes."

"All right that's it. . ."

"Mh?" Deku finally turns around to see the drunk pull out lighter.

The man shakes a bottle of alcohol in his hand and chuckles as he slips open his lighter and lights it, his slur clearing up. "How about I throw a little whisky on those clothes and add a little fire to 'em?"

"I should thank you," Deku says as he lifts his head and pulls back his hood. "you just saved me a lot of trouble. Who knows what would have happened if I made my own in this state."


Deku focuses on the flame in the drunk's hand. Feeling it feed off the fuel he gives it, he swirls it up as a small show for the man. The fire grows and bends on his command. It shapes into a face with a wicked open grin and hollow eyes. Large horns twist out of the flaming skull and dead puppets lay in its open mouth.

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