Chapter 20 (Deku)

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Deku had overheard All For One's call with the Doctor. He had also heard the Doctor suggest he keep it from Deku. He hadn't recovered enough yet. All For One had agreed.

Deku did not. The Doctor had been screaming at Deku to come back as he barreled past him.

Deku tears off the monitors that had been stuck to him, throwing them aside as he runs through the streets, panting hard. He don't keep the the alleys, to the shadows. No. It would take too long. Sirens sound behind Deku as patrolling officers catch sight of him. Some try to stop him on foot.

Deku dodges as one jumps out at him, trying to tackle him down. A second one comes out, tag-teaming him. His leg buckles as he tries to shove the second one out of the way, sending him stumbling. Deku curses under his breath as he pushes himself off the ground and back onto his feet.

"Stop right there!" An officer grabs his wrist.

Deku turns and lights his quirk. "Burn." Fire leaps, engulfing Deku's hand and the officers. Pain shoots through his palm and the officer jumps back, cradling his hand as he screams. Deku breaks out back into a run on his shaking legs.

Deku looks down at his hand. His palm have already begun to blister. His finger tips are red but relatively untouched.

It's always worse right after waking up. His flames are hotter and his body needs to adjust back to an active quirk after forcing it asleep and dormant for days on end.

Two cars skid to a halt in front of him, more joining them, blocking the whole street. Cops pile out of the cars. But there are no heroes. They are all preoccupied with rescuing the UA students held by the League.

Deku turns down the nearest alleyway that lead onto the next street and continues running.

A crash sounds and smoke rises above a building in the distance. Mount Lady stands tall over the buildings.

Deky grinds his teeth as he stumbles again, sweat beading his brow. Almost there. Almost. One For All is right there, right in his grasp. He rounds a corner, finding the corner of the hideout blown in pieces.

Bakugo's arm is outstretched to All Might's, his body being held back by a Nomu the Doctor has summoned.

Toga is engaged with a hero while Shigaraki tries to fight his way through the heros blocking his path to All Might. The other heroes are all fighting many Nomu.

Deli gets there first, throwing up a wall of flame between Bakugou and the Number One hero.

"No! All Might, run! Get out of here!" Bakugou screams desperately.

Smiling, Deku faces the Number One hero. "He's mine, Shigaraki," Deku tells the head of the League as he finally breaks through.

All Mights large smile sits proudly on his face as he looks down at Deku. "Stand down kid. Let us take you in, tell us where your mother is and return the girl to us, and we'll cut you a deal."

Bakugou flails about helplessly, trying to get out of the Nomu's grasp. "They're after you! Leave, get out of here!"

"Everything is under control here young Bakugou, don't you worry." All Might turns back to Deku, "Come with us quietly. You don't want to do this young Midoriya."

"It's Deku," Deku says with a cock of his head, "and your wrong." His eyes light up red with fire, "I do."

Young Midoriya. All Might's words are spoken in an almost familiar way, as if he knows Deku. As if he could spark some sort of connection between them.

"We can help you," All Might continues.

Help. Help as if he needs fixing. Help as if they cared. Pro heroes have never cared. They've only ever cared about themselves and their fame.

"Oh," Deku says, a grin growing on his face. "I don't need any help. But you? You will."

Deku snaps his fingers and lets fire grow, engulfing them. His hands don't burn. He's not suppressing or trying to control his quirk. He isn't fighting it. He lets it snap and grow with the emotions, the anger, in his chest. He lets the rage be the fuel as his body finally readjusts.

Deku doesn't wait. He releases the fire, letting it engulf the two of them in a large circle.

Bakugou lets out a strangled noise as he fights the Nomu's grasp. Without his powers, he's helpless.

For a moment, only a moment, the smile on All Might's face drops. His eye dart to Bakugou.

"Pay attention old man," Deku says as he makes the first move.

Deku shoots out a stream of fire right at All Might. Not to hurt him. No. It would take a lot more than a simple fire to even hit him. Deku runs behind the fire as he wills it forward.

As expected, All Might deflects. A deafening clap fills the air and fire and smoke rushes back towards Deku. Deku jumps in the air and pivots, igniting his foot with fire as he bursts through the smoke-screen.

His fire-engulfed foot hits All Mights crossed arms, barely burning through his sleeves.

Deku jumps back the moment he lands, just before All Might reached out to grab him. "You'll have to be faster than that," Deku taunts.

"I will not fight you, young Midoriya," All Mights says. He crosses his arms across his chest and plants his feet firmly in the ground.

Deku makes to speak, but it isn't his voice who rings out in the air as a portal appears between the two of them. "If you won't fight him, perhaps you'll fight me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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