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Walking Into the apartment, I find all the girls in the living room watching the far too small TV sitting on a small three-legged stool in the corner of the room. "What are you girls watching?" I asked them. "Some old black and white television show. Did you get the test?" Cece asks as she sits bouncing in her seat on the couch, Katie get-ups from the floor and walks over to meet me at the end of the hallway, looking down at the paper bag in my hand. "I got them. I even got four different brands just to be sure. They are the best products that one can buy in the store. So, they will have a better chance of being accurate." I started handing the bag over to Katie. Katie slowly looks from the brown paper bag up to me. I see her lip wobble a little before lunches herself at me wrapping her arms around my hips and her face on my shoulder. As her floodgates break and the tears pour out soaking my shoulder in seconds, Katie breaks down hugging me as tightly as her little self can. "Thank you so much!" Katie shouts out from my shoulder, just barely understandable words, muffled by my shoulder and scrambled from her crying. "Okay. Okay. That is enough of the hugging. Go on girl and take the tests already. I need to find out if I am going to be an aunty or not!" Cece demands out, jumping from the couch and just about push poor Katie away from me and down the hall. As Katie walks down the hallway shaking her head from side to side, Kelly giggles from the couch and I stand there staring at Cece in dissepiment. "What? She was taking too long!" Cece states as she holds up her hands in defense. When the sound of the bathroom door shutting hits the room, Cece moves back to sit on the couch and I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of red wine, before making my way into the living room and taking a seat on the floor next to where Katie had once been sitting next to the small light wood coffee table, in front of the two-person couch that is occupied by Cece and Patty.

Looking over to the TV to find that they are watching a black and white show that looks from the fifties. "So.... Tell me what it is like working at the hospital. More importantly what is it like working with Doc?" Cece asks after taking a sip of her wine. "The person you should be asking that too is our girl Lucia here. I work on the second floor with the maternity ward." Kelly says as she jesters in my direction with her wine glass, making me blush hard. Cece turns to me with a wide smile and waits for me to say something. "Well. For starters, he is really sweet and caring on my first day, every time he saw me in some random hallway, and that seemed to be a lot. He would stop what he was doing, come over to me and check-in with me, and find out how I was holding up for it being my first day. Every day he has lunch with me even though it makes Suzie very unhappy. Speaking of Suzie. I never got to tell you what happened." I exclaimed in surprise. "What did that little whore do this time?" Kelly askes back as her face scrunches up like she smelled something foul. "She cornered me in the bathroom," I whispered out, before quickly covering my ears. Just as I expected, Kelly Jumps from her seat on the couch, shouting out all kinds of horrid names, directed to Suzie. "Wait a fucking minute. Who the fuck is this Suzie chick and what is her deal?" Cece says stopping Kelly's rant, before sitting forward in her seat. "Suzie is this fake boob, bottle blond, can't keep her legs closed bitch, that has been after the Doc for years. She does anything to get his attention of any kind. Any blind fool would see that she is trying to land him. She has just about put a neon sign that says "Come here Doc." Right above her nasty cunt. Lucky, Doc has some sense or lacks some to notice her pursuit." Kelly says, with air quotes ever so often. "I am surprised I have not seen anyone that resembles her around the parties at the clubhouse," Cece says sipping at her wine once more. "I think she is beneath her. No offense to you and the club. I just think she might see it as a way of degrading herself to be seen there. I know for a fact that she sees herself so high and mighty, with her nose up in the clouds it stuck up so high." Kelly says shaking her head with once again a nasty look on her face. "That or she is just plain scared shitless," I whispered into my glass of wine before taking a big gulp. I must not have whispered soft enough for bother girls to bust out laughing, almost spilling their drinks.

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