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After drinking our coffee and declining Kate's many offers to help clean, We all head out the door and down the stairs. Cecelia and Katie took the lead as I and Kelly followed. "Hay Katie. If you don't mind me asking, but when do you think you are going to tell that man of yours about the baby?" Asked Kelly. All four of us girls were taking our time, slowly down the stairs, clearly, neither one of us wanted our girl time to end. "I decided that I will tell doc first. Most likely when we get to the clubhouse today. That is if Jack lets me out of his sight for more than a few seconds." She said sending us all into a fit of giggles. Once the giggling fest had stopped I take notice that we had stopped at the top of the last set of stairs. The front door as well as two sets of tall legs on the outside were in my sight. "Oh, Cece! How about next time we all four have girls' night, you tell us how you told Knuckles about being pregnant." Kelly states excitedly. "Hell Yeah!" Shouts back, Cece. Suddenly Katie looks at me with a small smile. "I am going to bake some muffins tomorrow and bring them by the clinic as an excuse to see you there. While I am there would you be able to give me a checkup"? She asked, wringing her hands together nervously. Taking a step forward, I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. "It is alright girl. Everything is going to be fine. We will look you over and check on everything and you will see." I told her just as Cece wraps her arms around us followed by kelly.

With our little hug fest, we started back down the last of the stairs and out the door to the guys. As we neared the door, Beast notices us first and like a true gentleman, he opens the door for us. As we girls share one more group hug, the boys straddle their bikes and wait. Finally, after ten minutes of good-byes, Katie and Cece hop in Cece's vehicle and head out with the boys following.  

"Sorry to ditch you but if I don't get to the Laundry mat today, I am going to be working naked next week," Kelly said with a giggle. "I think a certain friendly biker would prefer you not do that." I teased her sending a pinch of redness to her cheeks. With a short giggle and a quick sorry hug, we head back inside and up to our own apartments. 

As I stand just inside my apartment, Going over all of what I need to do on my day off. So much to do in so little time, I thought to myself. With a loud sigh and a stretch, I head into the living room and start cleaning up our crazy girl's night.

Tossing the last of the trash from our food fest of last night into the kitchen trash, I glance at the clock to see I have been cleaning for no more than an hour. At that moment I hear a rumbling from my stomach. Letting me know loud and clear that it is time to eat. "Once I take out the trash, we can have food. Deal?" I asked myself. In reply, I was given another grumble. With a little sigh at myself, I removed the well-over-full trash bag and pulled it out from the black plastic bin. Setting it on the ground with a loud thump, I let loose a silent prayer that it does not bust as I pull the plastic ties and tie it shut. suddenly the sound of vibration comes from the kitchen countertop near me. glancing over I see my cheap cell flashing and slightly scooting across the smooth granite top. After ensuring the bag is tightly shut, I reach over and pick up my cell looking carefully at the small screen of the small flip phone. As an unknown number flashes on the screen, I hold my breath, flipping open the phone and pressing the green phone button. 

Taking a big gulp, trying to repress the dread trying to choke me from within, slowly I bring the phone to my ear and with a quiet, timid "Hello" falls from suddenly very dry lips. Fear pick up and my heart rate started racing at the sound of only a man breathing coming from the line. Finally, when I could no longer take the silence and the fear growing in my gut I prepared to hang up. As I am pulling away I suddenly hear an unmistakable CeCe shout out "For fucks sake Doc. Say something."   "Dominic?" I ask.

 I hear him let out a heavy grunt and I pick the sound of him shifting in some sort of chair. "yes it's me. I mean Good morning. Wait it's afternoon. so good afternoon. SHit, I am fucking this up. Let's start over. Hello, Licia. How are you this fine evening? That wasn't too formal was it?" He asks sending me into a fit of giggles. "Hello, Dominic. I am good. Just about to take out the trash from our girl's night." I reply as I lift the heavy bag over my shoulder and head to the front door. "SO how was your girl's night?" He asks no doubt nervous and from the background, I hear CeCe once again shout out, "Quit beating around the fucking bush and ask her already. Damit." I hear him reply with a very stern "I am trying."

With a small giggle, I carefully wedge the phone between my head and shoulder freeing up my hand to grab the railing of the staircase and head down the stairs. " Dominic. whatever that crazy friend of mine is pressuring you into doing, it is perfectly ok if you truly do not want to do it." I state hoping to ease some of the stress for him. "NO!" He quickly shouts. "I mean I do want to do this." He followed. "Ok, then. Go ahead. I will not judge." I say as I step outside and around the building to the alleyway where the apartment building dumpsters sit. Once again he starts to stumble over his words trying to say something. 

Lifting the lid of the dumpster, I hear a strange noise from the other side of the dumpster. MOstly likely a cat, I thought to myself and toss the trash bag into the dumpster, dropping the lid. " was wondering if you might have any plans for tonight." I hear Dominic ask over the phone, as I make my way back down the alleyway. "Not really. Simply just food and T.V. I believe." I replied to him. "Well. DO you...." He starts to say but that is all I hear as the phone is knocked from my hand and my arms are grabbed by someone behind me. Judging by the hard grip of the person holding me and the large hand shape I can tell it is a man behind me. With Bruising force, the man pulls me back against him and I let out a scream as loud as possible. But the man is quick and places his hand over my mother. "Shut up bitch! The boss has been looking for you everywhere." I hear him shout. 

Fear pumps cold through my blood. From a distance, I can hear Dominic shouting out through the phone from where it dropped to the ground. I can not make out what he was saying but the sound of his voice manages to fill me with courage, chasing away the fear. With a feeling of determination not to go down without a fight, I begin to kick back and hit the man. I know I am not a match for him but I pray that my resentence will buy me some time for anyone to come help me. 

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