Violation (Pt.2)

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"What a surprise to see you here, Darling. How have you been?" The Princess now known as Fuuko Kurasaki said "S-S-S-Senpai! What a surprise as well, I'm doing just great" Akuin replied as all the third years in the vicinity began whispering to one another

"Who is he?"

"Did I just heard her correctly?"

"Is that guy really her boyfriend!!?"

"She is so lucky!"

"So, how's your first day so far?" Kurasaki asked "Pretty good, aside from being the talk of the school now...hehehe" Akuin said "Well that's what happens when you date the prettiest girl in school" Melaine whispered barely getting heard by Akuin.

"Have you been taking care of yourself lately? I hope you're not just getting by with light snacks and juice boxes" She shot a glare at Akuin noticing his Yakisoba bun and juice box on his hands "Well I was gonna get by with just these two...but then I saw you, and now I wish I was dead" Akuin tried to justify himself before slowly turning his head away as Kurasaki's glare grew stronger.

"*Sigh* Whatever will you do without me?" Kurasaki said as she looks for something under the table "I know..." Akuin said depressingly as he finally sat down with her "Here, eat it before it gets cold" Kurasaki said cheerily as she hands him, her bento box

"Huh? But you haven't eaten yet, Senpai" Akuin rationed "I accidentally made extras. Now I'm glad that I did" She said before grabbing her chopsticks "Here, say 'aahhh'" she offered as Akuin gratefully opened his mouth, before closing shut and marveled at the amazing flavors that entered his mouth.

"Umm, Fuuko...Have you met the new kid before?" a student asked Kurasaki "Well of course" Kurasaki said before standing behind Akuin "He's my one and only beloved" Kurasaki then grabbed Akuin's face and made him face her "The man I'll spend the rest of my life with" she said before placing a kiss on Akuin's lips

"The rest of your life? You really don't plan on letting me go, do you~?" Akuin teased "Well of course. You've taken my heart, so you have to take responsibility" Kurasaki said causing the whole cafeteria to erupt in shrieks and cries

"Hya!!! So cute!!!"

"Aargh! Rejected already!!!"

'Is this what Haru felt back then with Kuroyukihime?! Haruyuki you lucky bastard!!!' Akuin thought

Back in Umesato

"Ha-choo" Haru sneezed away from the table, causing Kuroyukihime to look at him concerned "Are you alright, Haruyuki?" she asked "M-hmm, I'm ok" Haru reassured "Alright, so about Kurashima's duel avatar? So she's a healer?" she said surprised

"Yeah, Taku was just as surprised. But he said I shouldn't tell anyone, Because he thinks it might cause an uproar" Haru said "That's exactly right" Hime confirmed "If word of this gets out, then burst linkers from all over Tokyo will flood Suginami" She continued "And before long a scouting battle will begin"

"Are healers really that amazing!? What's the big deal?" Haru asked "In the history of brain burst there are only 2 healers," Hime said "and on top of that, one of them got tired of getting fought over, they left Brain Burst for good" she continued "So aside from Lime Bell(Chiyu's Avatar) There's one more healer out there?" Haru pieced together "Correct, and that player is currently one of the Six Kings," She said "A king! That's amazing" Haru exclaimed "What color are they?" he asked disheartening Kuroyukihime "Um...Senpai?"

"I'm sorry, But I'd rather not tell you what that person's name is" Hime said "The last thing I want Haruyuki, is for you to have even the slightest interest in them"

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