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"Wait chiyu" Haru tried to calm chiyuki down "I'm not talking to you haru" she bit back

"Oh, is that what you think, that I'm toying with Arita to amuse myself" she questioned smugly "Of course you are, I've known haru longer than anyone he's my friend. And he hates nothing more than being the center of attention"

"Oh is that so? Well I'm sorry to say that your wrong about me. You see I'm more than just his friend, the truth is I asked arita to be my boyfriend. And we're about to go on our first date" Kuroyukihime stated and every single student that heard it went *le gasp*

Then kuroyukihime locked arms with haru and then walked away. Having seen enough, I went to chiyu and rested my hand on her shoulder to break her out of her shocked state

"*sniffle* I'm so proud of you haru *weeping*" I said as I watched them walked of "Could you stop being an idiot for once!? Aren't you concerned for haru aswell?" Chiyu frantically asked me

"Relax chiyu, let haru decide what he wants and don't want. He's not a hatchling anymore, let him fly" I said "Plus when's the last time you saw him like that. He seems genuinely happy"

"Come walk with me chi-chan" I said walking to the direction to home as chiyu quickly catched up

"So how are things with you and Taku, you guys doing alright" I asked to star the conversation "well its...complicated" chiyu said quietly

"Why is something wrong?" I asked concerned "well you see...Taku has been distant lately" chiyu said

"Well, maybe its just him practicing, nationals is coming up and he needs to prepare" I wondered "No, like more distant than he should. Like there's something going on with him. But he always knows what I'm doing. It seems as though like he read my mind" Chiyu brought up

'Hmm, thats feeling kinda suspicious. Could it be that there's a- only one way to find out' as we passed a security camera, I pulled chiyu to an alleyway

"Hey what are you doing!?" She exclaimed while I connect a cable link to my neuro linker "cable link with me chiyu" I said as she immediately blushed "Wh-what!? Where did this come from all of a sudde-" she tried to testify

"Just trust me, ok I'll just look over something. I promise" I assured her "*sigh* ok... I trust you" she said giving me the green light

"Ok, here goes" once I was cable linked I immidiately scoured her files, for something or anything for that matter. What is it that I'm looking for? Well to put it simply, there might be someone using chiyu to access something they're not supposed to 'No,No,No' I thought not noticing I was using neuro speak "what are you looking for A-kun" she asked 'I got to think of something' "hey do you still have that photo of us from when we were kids?" I asked in order to hide what I was doing.

"Yeah its in the photo's folder" she said "why the sudden interest"

"Well I just felt a bit of nostalgia a while ago and I was hoping to see your adorable face from a while ago" I said flashing her a smile. As I looked back onto what I was doing and it shocked me "what's wrong?" My shock must be written all over my face for her to ask that question " should I say this?" I said nervously

"Remember when you dressed up as a maid and call me 'master'" I teased "What!!!!" She screeched as her face is beet red "save" I said as my neuro linker took a screensho

"Why do you still remember that?! I told you to forget it." She wondered angrily "Well how could I? You're just downright adorable" I stated making her a bit mad

"Hehe. What are friends for. To remind you of the good time. For you or for them" I stated as I copied what I needed.

"Well since I have time want me to walk with you to the overpass." I asked "Why only then, why can't we just go home together?" She asked back concerned for my well being

Accel World (fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ