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Its a nice sunny day on the rooftop of Umesato Junior High perfect for any outdoor activity.

I see Taku sitting by himself on one of the benches here on the school roof, "Yo Taku!Good Morning." I greeted with Haru and Kuroyukihime trailing behind me.

"Oh, good morning masters"  Taku greeted "*sigh* look man, were friends. Just because I'm your Legion Master doesn't mean you have to treat me like I'm a God. Just act like we always do"

"And there they are!! The couple of the hour" I announced as they arrived to our spot receiving an embarrased look from both of them, as Haru looked down in embarrasedment he saw Taku's lunch.

"Woah, that lunch looks so good. I bet Chiyu made it!" Haru deducted "Yeah you're right and I'm sure as hell the lunch lady didn't" I commented

"But why are you sitting here alone in the cold? you two should be eating together" Haru asked "Its a nice day outside so I thought I might aswell enjoy it, you should go out sometimes too Haru" Taku said "and unlike you two lovebirds, things are a little complicated between me and Chiyu at the moment" Taku rebutted as both of them flustered "It's not like that!!!" They both yelled as it made me recall what transpired in the cafeteria

"Aha ha ha ha" I randomly laughed "What's so funny A-kun?" Taku asked "You...You should've... you should've seen them at the cafeteria...she was jealous right out for mi-Aha ha ha ha" this got me a pinch in the ear by kuroyukihime while having a bright red face "ha ha h- argh!!! it hurts stop it!!! I promise I'll stop just let go!!!" I begged as she gave my ear a twist before letting go and regaining her composure.

"So, you wanted to talk to me about something?" Taku asked

Short Timeskip

"So what do you think Taku?" Haru asked. He wanted to get input regarding The runts request and asking on what would be our next move.

"Well with this amount of information, there's no telling what the Red king wants" Taku said "I think it was lucky that Haru managed to blow her cover before she did anything" he pointed out as Haru and Kuroyukihime got confused

"How so?" She asked "Well knowing Haru, if she lived with Haru and having warmed up to him in approximately 3 days she probably say 'Well, the truth is that I'm a burst linker. But because I'm so young everytime I gained enough points to level up the seniors in my legion just takes them away from me, please big brother. Please join my legion and protect me' at least that's what I think" Taku explained

"*pfft*" I let out as I tried mg hardest to contain my laughter at his impersonation of her

"That's ridiculous, that trap is so obvious even he won't fall for it. Isn't that right Haruyu-" She boasted until she heard Haru sniffle and she a tear at Taku's Impersonation
"*sniffle* I feel so bad her her *sniffle* poor girl" Haru said "Are you really that stupid?" She asked flabergast on how gullible Haru is "But she's so nice, being bullied by her Legionmates is just so-" He was interrupted as his cheek was pulled by Kuroyukihime.

"I'm warning you, don't even think about doing something cool like leaving the Legion for a bit just to save some random girl and come back" she threatened not even bother hiding her jealousy "huh, but why not?" Haru tried his best to ask as his cheeks are turning red "because of an execution technique called Judgement Blow" she said as she let go of Haru's cheek

Aww shit...she said the J word

"What's that" Haru asked intrigued about what she had brought up "The Judgement Blow is a special move which is only granted to Legion masters, for the purpose of termination" she explained "When a Legion member got struck with Judgement Blow by their Legion Master they will lose all of their burst points and uninstall brain burst forever" This shocked Haru

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