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Last time on Accel World(fanfic)

We're almost to Ikebukuro


Is that Chrome Disaster?

Wait don't please! I-I-I was just following orders

Your from the Yellow Legion

We were ordered to ambush the red king's party and to take her out of the equation

Hmph. I suppose you fulfill your use for me

I think The Six Kings needs a reminder on who they shouldn't mess with

Time for a brief lesson about fear...

Time for a brief lesson about fear

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Yellow Radio

Akuin POV

"A set-up, so you want in on the level 10 gig. Too bad you won't remember it" I said as Yellow Radio began his monologue but since I'm too high up I can't her him.

I scaled my way down the building to regroup with the other but half-way there Yellow Radio began speaking again

"Its so nice to meet you again, Black Lotus. But may I humbly ask you to sit this one out and enjoy the show" YR said "You must be joking Yellow Radio, why should I bother going along with one of your silly Games!?" She said as she pointed her blade at him "My,my still so rebelious. And to think I gone all this trouble just to prepare you this"

YR then pulled out a yellow card with him on both sides and threw it to the ground which then projected a video of Red Rider's death.

"N-No...S-s-stop it...STOP IT!!!" Hime stuttered as Haru looked at her in concern "Senpai?" He looked at her asking if she's ok "Haru...yuki" she muttered as she zero'ed out

'Really!? Out of all the time for you to regret that decision, you decided to regret it now!!' I grimace in disbelief

"Legion, prepare to attack" YR commanded "Fine you want a fight? Bring it on! Enhance-"
Yuniko was about to bring out her immovable fortress until she was stopped by Taku "Don't, if you equip your weaponry now then you'll be stuck here. Our best bet is to retreat to a nearby leave point" Taku said as they looked around them looking for an opening to escape

"Get them!!" YR commanded as bullets began flying at them as I stood on a nearby streetlight. "Damn its no use, I can't risk giving away my position, can't even save my friends" I told myself as I continued to watch the hellfire. In between the bullets I see Taku tanking all the fire for Haru and Yuniko.

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