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A Beautiful Day! Atleast that's what I want to say but when I open the blinds not even a spec of sunlight is shining through the clouds. 'Dark and Depressing, feeling of all the Readers everyday'


"Honestly what is that noise?" I said "Akuin breakfast is ready!!" Mom called "Coming" I replied as I bolted to the table.

After that basic routine shower up, brush up and style up then I'm on my way. "I'm off to school now!!" I said as I played some music and went to the elevator ready to start a positive day in this dreadful weather.

While on my way I saw Chiyu waiting by the elevators I decided to greet her in the best way I know how. "Boo!!"

"Aaaagghhh" Chiyu screamed as I laughed at her reaction "That's not funny A-kun!" she exclaimed as she hit me with her duffel bag "Oww jeez, what's inside that bag anyways!!" I groaned but before she could answer the elevator doors open revealing Haru and Kuroyukihime fixing his tie. After Hime fixes Haru's tie she notices his troubled expression so she went and see what caused it but she only saw Chiyu.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!!!"

"You sure love to live dangerously don't you, Haru?" Taku teased "No I don't! I don't like it one bit, but thanks, you saved me from her this morning if you didn't I'd be done for" Haru said


"So she had no other choice! Senpai had to stay at Haru's. You see?" Taku tried to explain "come on not that silly game again! Why are you so into this thing" Chiyu complained "And I still don't get what accelerating really means"

"But I showed you that the other day, remember?" Taku said "Hey how about this, get me that Brain Burst thingy and install it in my neuro-linker so that way I can become a Burst Linker too!" Chiyu said with a happy tone. All of a sudden I punched a tree so hard that it fell over leading their attention towards me

"I'm sorry, I just... I got to go I'll see you guys at school" I said as I ran to school

'what the hell is she thinking!?'

Flashback end

I was leaning behind the bench, holding my cola not listening to their conversation as I pondered on my reaction before 'what the hell is going on with me today?' I thought

"Do you think she was serious back there?" Taku asked "No way, that'll never work. Chiyu is always bad at games" Haru said "what do you think about this master?" Taku said breaking mine and Hime's train of thought. "Do you think Chi has a chance of becoming a Burst Linker?" Taku ask angering me again


"Don't even think about giving her the program!" I outburst startling everyone in the roof "But, she can be a great asset to Nega Nebulu-"

"I said No!!" I interrupted "Its bad enough that you and Haru have Brain Burst, I'd rather not have all of you in it"

"But if she does get Brain Burst then we could just teach her the ropes" Haru said "But we can also stop it from going that far by not giving her the program"

"Don't I get a say in this?" Hime said "Just shut up!!" I yelled shocking Haru and Taku "She's not your friend Hime, you didn't knew her when she was a kid, you weren't there for most of her life. Hell she didn't even knew you existed until you entered Haru's life!" I stated "So let me ask you this, Do you really have the right to state your opinion on something you know nothing about? Something that not even your hours of digging and favors can ever uncover what she means to us."

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