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“I’m sorry I startled you. Are you okay?” the person who had his hand on my shoulder spoke. I shook my head and shifted so that I could see his face. My eyes were set on a pair of emerald green eyes and I instantly knew who he was. I fidgeted and brushed my palms on my pants.

“Scarlett Eleanor Watson. Nice to meet you, Mr Baker,” I managed professionally and extended my hand. Well, I was technically here on a business trip.

“You can call me Zacky. And I remembered you, Ska. Even after six long years,” Zacky Vengeance replied with a smile as he took my hand.

“Roberts told us you’d be here in Huntington Beach. Didn’t know you would be here at this time. I mean, the service is not until tomorrow,” Zacky continued. I nodded my head and kept silent. Zacky must have felt stupid for saying what he said as he shifted uncomfortably. He offered me a piece of facial wipe upon noticing the tear stains on my face. I wiped my face clean with it and thanked him.

“I’m sorry about Jimmy. He was a great man,” I said softly.

“That, he is,” Zacky agreed and shut his eyes. I reckoned he was offering a prayer for Jimmy and I decided to wait till he was done.

“So, where are you off to?” Zacky asked after staying still for half a minute or so.

“I’m going to Aunt Anna’s diner for dinner. Why are you here at this time, though?” I enquired as we walked towards the gates. Zacky explained that he was at the church, making sure that everything was going well for tomorrow’s service and decided to drop by to see Jimmy for a bit. He also said that he was about to head home.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner?” I invited.

“Us?” Zacky asked as he tilted his head. “Oh, right! You mean with your best buddies and cousins?” he answered his own question.

“Oh dear! How long have you been there?” I asked in panic and Zacky chuckled at my ‘despair’.

“Despite everything, is the invite still on? I’m sort of starving, you see,” he joked and I giggled at his question. I nodded and he asked if I got a ride as he did not.

“You mean you walked here?” I asked again. Zacky simply said that he did not live very far from here and the church was indeed within walking distance. We reached the exit and Zacky pulled the gates closed. I walked towards the Hummer and waited for Zacky to catch up.

“Seriously? A Hummer HT3?” Zacky asked as his mouth was left ajar. I laughed and handed him the keys.

“You know the way very well. Why don’t you drive?” I offered.

“I’d love to,” he accepted the offer and climbed onto the driver’s seat.

We talked throughout the whole journey to the diner and I learnt a lot about Zacky and the band. Dad would always update me on the lives of the Avenged Sevenfold members but to hear it from Mr Zacky Vengeance himself- nothing can match up to this. We also talked a lot about Jimmy and reminisced the times spent with him.

“Jimmy only wanted us to be happy. He was a great friend and still is- I would always visit him when I feel down or whenever Arianna and I fought,” Zacky confessed. I tilted my head in confusion at the mention of Arianna’s name. Zacky realised this and explained.

“Oh, right! I missed that part out! Arianna’s my girlfriend. What about you, Ska? Have you a boyfriend or a husband for that matter?” Zacky asked and that hit me. Dad did not tell them that I was engaged. I guess he did not think that was important. I was about to answer Zacky’s question when my mobile rang.

“Seriously? You took the Hummer and disappeared? We were so worried!” Royce nagged.

“I’m sorry. Do me a favour and bring Maddy and Felix to the diner, alright? We’ll see you guys there,” I replied.

“We? Who’s we? What’s we?” I heard Felix’s voice boomed and apparently I was put on speaker.

“Someone amazing and myself. You guys won’t believe who I bumped into!” I exclaimed, almost forgetting that Zacky was just beside me. I saw him smirk proudly.

“What the hell, Ska. We’ll get our arses to Aunt Anna’s. And you better, too! You owe us an explanation!” Maddy’s voice joined in and she was clearly mad.

“Look, I’m sorry, babe. I’ll be there soon I promise!” I chuckled and ended the call.

“Someone amazing, eh?” Zacky enquired. I rolled my eyes and laughed. The subject was dropped and we stayed in silence. We drove for a bit more and Zacky parked at the side of the road.

“We’re here! Thanks for letting me drive!” Zacky said.

“Thanks for living in Huntington Beach!” I teased and we walked towards Aunt Anna’s.

So Far Away (The Rev, Zacky Vengeance & Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now