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29 December 2014

Aunt Anna’s beach house, Huntington Beach, California

The incessant buzzing of my mobile disrupted me from my much-needed sleep. I reached for the device and rubbed my eyes to see who was calling. It was an unknown number and I rejected the call. I looked at the time on my mobile and it showed 4.26AM. I have only been asleep for 26 minutes and this unknown caller just had to ruin my night. I placed my mobile back on the wooden bedside table and shut my eyes tightly. I was just relaxing my system when it was rudely alerted by the constant buzzing again. I let out an irritated scream- just loud enough for myself to hear- and rejected the call again. Times like these would make a hug from Maddy vastly appreciated but she was not in the room and I had no idea where she went. I covered my face with a pillow and forced myself to sleep. I reckon the caller got the message but I guess he or she was one who never gives up.

“Who is this?” I snapped as I answered the call. The caller stayed silent and I grew increasingly  irritated.

“If you’re not going to say anything I’m going to hang up now!” I threatened. Amidst being irritated, I was somehow curious. I wanted to know who the caller was and why he or she called at this ungodly hour.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Ska,” a deep, manly voice sobbed.  My frustration instantly disappeared as I knew exactly who that was.

“Are you okay, Zacky?” I asked, worried. I sat upright and switched the bedside lamp on. Zacky stayed silent and I heard him sniffled.

“This is probably a bad idea. I’m sorry I’ll just hang up now,” he spoke up. I guess he changed his mind when I told him that it was alright and he got nothing to worry about on my part. I enquired on his whereabouts and he replied me dejectedly.

“I’m at the diner,”

I told him to stay put and that I would be on my way. I hastily got out of my nightie and put on a pair of jeans and an oversized t-shirt. I looked in the mirror to see a tired face staring back at me but it did not matter- not now. I had my hair up in a messy bun and crept out of the room. I heard soft whispers from Royce’s room but dismissed any thoughts out of my head. I was walking stealthily towards the main door when Aunt Anna’s voice made me jump out of my skin.

“Drive carefully, Ska,” she said as she sipped on her mug. I turned around and hurried towards her. I bit my lip and was about to question her when she read my mind. 

“He called me earlier and asked for your number. Im going to let you go now. I’ll inform the rest when they wake up,” Aunt Anna continued and hugged me tight. I took the truck keys from the key stand and sped my way to the diner, after configuring the GPS, of course.

I drove to a halt and saw Zacky seated down on the floor by the side of the road. He had his knees to his chest and his arms hugged them tight. His head was in the confines of his arms and he could easily pass off as a drunk. I was careful not to startle him and tapped his shoulder lightly. He lifted his head slowly and met my gaze. His eyes were reddened and swollen. They were evidence that he had been crying his eyes out. Zacky got to his feet and I surprised him with a tight hug. The strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled my nose as I breathed into his chest. Zacky was slightly taken aback but he reciprocated the kind act and we stayed in that position for a whole minute.

“I thought you might need that, too,” I whispered and saw a small smile formed on his pale face. It was getting colder outside and I suggested to talk over some of the diner’s deliciously calming hot cocoa. I ordered two large mugs of hot cocoa with marshmallows and carried them over to the corner of the diner where Zacky was leaning against the glass window with his eyes shut. I placed the mugs on the table and Zacky opened his eyes.

“Drink up! They’ll do you good,” I spoke, distracting him from his train of thoughts. His emerald green eyes pierced deep into my soul as he channelled his gaze to me.

“Ska, I’m really sorry for disturbing you at this hour. Thank you for meeting me,” Zacky thanked me as he plopped a marshmallow into the hot cocoa. I smiled at him and told him that it was not a problem. I sipped on my hot cocoa and studied this broken man. He appeared to be deep in thoughts and was staring out of the window. His breathing was slow and jagged and he would bite his lower lips at times. His eyes were fixed on something or nothing outside and he would occasionally let out a sigh. He fiddled with his fingers and looked like he was remembering something- Something that had left him high and dry.

“He was proud. He must have felt victorious.” Zacky suddenly spoke. He was still staring at the deserted sandy beach and he had his fingers laced together as though he was offering a prayer.

“He had her on his lap with her arms snaking around his neck and her fingers massaging on his scalp. They were kissing so passionately that they didn’t realise I was watching them.” Zacky’s voice broke as he described what he witnessed.

“They only stopped when I landed a punch on the side of his face. She panicked and got off him immediately. He scampered out of my house and disappeared in the darkness. She was crying loudly and she hugged me tight. ‘It’s not what you think it is, baby,’ she sobbed. I swore I’ve heard that before. A couple times before, to be exact. I freed myself from her clutches and walked towards the door. I needed a breather. She ran after me, shouting my name and words of apology. I thought I heard she said something about loving only me. I don’t know. All I knew was all that I saw.” Zacky continued and I saw an escaped teardrop cruising down his features.

He wiped that single tear away from his cheek and turned his head towards me. He gave me a faint smile and I reached for his shivering hands. I squeezed them gently, assuring him that it would all be alright.

“I’m sorry, Ska. I had nowhere else to go.” Zacky apologised. I stood up from the diner bench and walked over to his side. I wrapped an arm across his shoulders and rubbed his shoulders lightly. Zacky leaned his head on the side of my head and we stayed in silence. There were no words that could heal this broken man- only gestures of affection to show that there are people who still cared for him.

So Far Away (The Rev, Zacky Vengeance & Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now