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I was lost in dreamland when soft chatters filled my ears. I felt parts of my bed sunk as though people were sitting on it. The soft chatters continued and I was curious. I shifted my body to the side and the voices stopped. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was sure I heard someone called my name.

“Ska, wake up,” the faint voice whispered as the soft chatters continued. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and sat upright. The soft chatters halted and I opened my eyes. On my bed were Nat, Soph and Maddy.

Upon realising that I was up, they circled me and folded their legs on the bed. I asked them the time and they told me that it was already 3PM. I stretched myself awake and enquired about their presence.

Maddy explained that she bumped into Zacky when she went to the kitchen to get her daily coffee fix. Zacky told her the reason he was there and Maddy decided to call Nat and Soph over. They postponed the outing and rushed to Aunt Anna’s. The band came later as Matt and Brian were still asleep when the girls went out. Nat told me that they had a conversation with Zacky earlier and that the band was still downstairs, talking to Zacky.

“We came to check on you, Ska. You must be really tired,” Soph said and reached for my hand. She squeezed my hand gently and smiled at me.

“Thank you for being there for Zacky. I’m sure he appreciates it,” Nat thanked me and I smiled. Nat and Soph then headed downstairs to see Zacky and their husbands.

“Are you gonna get dressed or will you continue to sleep?” Maddy asked and I told her of my intentions.

“Okay but before you go shower, Zacky said something about you earlier,” she continued. I was walking to the shower halfway and stopped in my tracks. What did he say?

“He said that if it was not for you, he might be in the hospital right now, for hurting himself after what happened. He said that you saved him, Ska. And I feel the same, too,” Maddy answered the question in my head. I smiled and nodded my head. I continued my way to the bathroom when I stopped again.

“I just remembered something that I’ve been wanting to ask you! Why the hell were you in Royce’s room, in his clothes and on his bed?” I enquired and Maddy shifted uncomfortably. A slow smile crept on her face as she bit her lower lip nervously.

“That can wait. Now, YOU have to go shower, really. I’ll let you know when you smell like someone with a new lease of life!” Maddy teased and I threw my tshirt at her. I couldn’t possibly smell that bad, could I?

As the warm water from the shower head touched my skin, I shut my eyes and took in all the goodness. I cleansed myself and heard Maddy’s voice playing in my head. ‘He said that you saved him, Ska,’ was on repeat in my messy mind and I could not help but smile. Did I really?

So Far Away (The Rev, Zacky Vengeance & Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now