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I suppose the girls were in the kitchen as I saw none of them in the vast living room. Johnny noticed my presence and greeted me. The rest of the band acknowledged my presence and Zacky stood up from the couch and walked towards me.

“I told them everything and I’ll be going to Arin’s now. I’ve officially broken up with Arianna and she would be packing her bags. Thought that you should know,” Zacky whispered and shrugged. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back tight. He whispered a ‘thank you’ and we walked towards the band, which were getting ready to leave.

“Thank you for all that you did, Ska. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Matt said and hugged me goodbye. Nat followed closely behind him and hugged me as well.

“You will go to the next outing, okay?” Nat said and I nodded my head. Soph was next to hug me and I hugged the rest of the band. Maddy and I walked them to the door and I was informed that Zacky would be staying with Arin until Arianna really leaves. Nat told me that this has happened before but Arianna chose to stay and Zacky accepted her back. They did not want that to happen again so Arin volunteered to take him in temporarily.

We closed the front door shut and I rushed towards the kitchen. I was starving and was glad Maddy had whipped up some breakfast for me. I ate the delicious stir-fried spaghetti and got Maddy laughing at my gluttony. I complimented on her cooking and was putting the dish into the dishwasher when Maddy spoke.

“I think he likes you, Ska. I think Zacky likes you,”

I brushed Maddy off and she shrugged. She told me that was only her opinion and that it was supported by the way Zacky looks at me. I reminded her that Zacky was going through a tough time and that perhaps he was just grateful. Maddy agreed and went up to the bedroom to get ready. She was going to meet Royce and she told me that the rest of the guys were at the beach.

I took my drink from the kitchen and walked towards the living room. I switched on the television and sat myself on the couch that Zacky had previously sat on. Maddy trotted down the stairs not long after and left the house. The TV programmes were getting boring and I decided to watch a DVD instead. Aunt Anna owns a wide collection of classic films and I decided on Victor Felming’s ‘Gone with the Wind’. I have read the book and watched it a couple of times before back home but I decided to watch it again- here. I remembered watching it with Oliver many years back and he would address me as the lead actress in the movie, Scarlett O’Hara.

As the movie started, I reminisced the hardship Oliver and I have gone through to get to where we are right now. I recalled the fun times, the sad times and the times which made me mad at him while we were together. I loved Oliver with all my heart and I prayed for our love to be ever-lasting.

I was so engrossed in the movie that I did not realise tears were already falling from my eyes. I wiped them away and continued to watch the movie when I felt a buzz from the couch. I was positive it was from a mobile so I checked mine. There was nothing on my screen but I could still feel the buzzing. I stood up and dug my hand in the sides of the couch. I found the buzzing object and pulled it out.

I looked at the screen and saw ‘Babe’ was calling. I thought it would be rude to answer so I waited until the caller stopped to check whose mobile that was. The call stopped and I saw the wallpaper of the device. It was a picture of Arianna kissing Zacky and I knew who that mobile belonged to. I wanted to return it but I did not know where Arin lives. So I did the next thing people would do- I went through the contacts of the mobile. Arin’s number was not hard to find as it was one of the first few contacts in the list. I called Arin using Zacky’s mobile and waited patiently for him to pick up.

“Everything okay at home, Zack?” Arin asked.

“Umm, this is Ska. Zacky left his mobile at Aunt Anna’s. Has he gone back to his house?” I replied.

“Oh hey, Ska! Sorry, thought you were Zacky. Nope, he’s still at mine. I’ve gone out to get some beers for us.” Arin explained.

“Oh, right. I thought you’re with him now. I believe Arianna’s been calling so I called you,” I said.

“Do you want me to drop by and pass it to Zacky? Or if you have nothing on now, I can fetch you and we can hang out at my place if you want,” Arin offered.

“Thanks Arin! But can I just pass the mobile to you? Nobody is at home now and I’m waiting for the guys to come back,” I replied.

“Sure thing, Ska! Maybe next time then! Alright, I’ll be there in ten!” Arin chirped.

We said our goodbyes and ended the call. Zacky’s mobile screen showed that he received 24 text messages from Arianna and there were a couple voice messages left by her as well. I placed the mobile on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to make myself another drink. The mobile buzzed many more times and I ignored it. I was just about to take my drink out to the living room when I heard someone pounding loudly on the front door. I brought my mug along with me and opened the door. 

So Far Away (The Rev, Zacky Vengeance & Avenged Sevenfold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ