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“You alright, Ska?” Dad asked as I took my place on the bench. I nodded and he hugged me tight. The service was coming to an end and the guests were invited to Jimmy’s grave.

“Before we  go, let us all pray for our dear son, brother and best friend, James Owen Sullivan,” Mr Sullivan said from the stand and the crowd prayed. I closed my eyes and offered a prayer to Jimmy and the whole lot of us proceeded to the cemetery after a minute of silence.

Bouquets of flowers and small gifts were left on Jimmy’s grave by the guests. I smiled knowing that many loved and cared for Jimmy. I sat on a bench not very far away from Jimmy’s grave and had Harley on my lap. He was sleeping soundly as I caressed the hair on the top of his head. I had volunteered to keep an eye on Harvey and Harley while Matt, Nat and the rest of the gang helped to clean the church after the service. Harvey was sitting beside me and we were having a conversation.

Minutes later, Lucas ran towards us and asked me if I could let Harvey play. I nodded and watched the two energetic boys running around the green. I told them not to play in the cemetery and they have agreed to comply. I was keeping an eye on the boys when the bench sank slightly. Arianna had Skylar on her lap and was tying a fish tail braid for the beautiful three year old.

“Hey there,” Arianna whispered. I smiled.

“So Zacky have been telling me a lot about you and now I get to meet you in person,” she continued.

“Zacky was right. You are beautiful. He also said that I could find a friend in you. You see, I have no intention whatsoever to freak you out. I mean you just got to know the family and all and they are a great bunch of people, no doubt. I just wanted you to know that I have made several mistakes in my relationship with Zacky and he did a fair share, too. Nat and Soph blamed me for the mistakes he did and we are not really in good terms,” Arianna said and urged Skylar to go and play along with her brother and Harvey. I tilted my head as I could not comprehend what Arianna was trying to say. She took my confusion as a cue and carried on.

“I saw Zacky hugged you just now. I saw the way Zacky looked at you from the moment you arrived till now. I know where you got the white rose from and I know what Zacky is thinking. Scarlett, please stay away from my Zacky,” She ended her confession. I looked at her and chuckled. I stopped immediately after realising that this was no joke.

“Arianna, I’m happily engaged to Oliver! I’m sorry I forgot to inform you guys about it! Oh and don’t you worry, Zacky knows that I’m engaged, too,” I explained and showed her my engagement ring. Arianna shifted her glance from my ring to her empty ring finger and shifted uncomfortably.

“It doesn’t matter. Zacky cheated on me with a married woman before. You’re no different. Just stay away, Scarlett. Stay away from MY Zacky!” Arianna retorted, emphasising loudly on ‘her Zacky’.

Harley opened his eyes and looked at us. He looked at Arianna and I and sat upright. I tried to hush him back to sleep but the little boy did not budge. He sat there looking at these two adults, almost trying to comprehend what was happening. I looked at Arianna apologetically and reached for her shoulders. I felt sorry for her but my empathy was not appreciated. Arianna glared at me menacingly and stormed off, leaving a curious Harley and a dumbfounded me to assess the situation.

“Harley’s awake now, isn’t he? Come here, you!” Nat’s voiced filled the air and brought me back to Huntington Beach. Harley climbed off my lap and onto Nat’s. I watched and smiled wide as Harley gave Nat a big hug and a kiss on her rosy cheeks. Nat squeezed my hand and thanked me for looking after her boys.

“It’s not a problem, Nat. They’re well-behaved and bright boys!” I complimented. Harley blushed as I playfully pinched his cheeks.

“Anyway, what happened to Arianna? Where was she rushing off to?” Nat enquired. I looked at her and bit my lip. What should I say?

“Umm, I’m not really sure. Maybe she wanted to-” my explanation was cut short by a little boy’s voice.

“Mummy, why did Aunt Arianna tell Ska to stay away from Uncle Zacky?” Harley’s soft voice spoke up. I shifted slightly and felt sick in the stomach. Oh, no.

So Far Away (The Rev, Zacky Vengeance & Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now