Chapter 1

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Mother says that I'm too old to be sitting under a tree watching clouds and picking flowers all day. She constantly goes on about how childish it is, how I should spend my time with more important things, and how I am wasting my life. I love my mother dearly, but I couldn't care less about what she thinks. This is my sanctuary; the only place in Aston where I can think and get away from everyone and everything. This is also the only place where I can stare at a spectacular view like this.

A sea of tall green grass flows as the wind gently blows through it, the sun shimmers and shines above my head, and the flowers show off their bright red, yellow and blue colors. Just beyond that is a seemingly endless forest filled with bright oaks with large outstretched branches that beckon me to go inside. It's a shame that the artists don't come here to paint this perfect sight.

Every day I come here, sit under this tree and think, mostly about the things that lie beyond my sight. Sometimes I like to imagine what is out there. Acres of land, farms scattered about, a river, the sea, exotic lands waiting to be explored.

Every year I promise myself that I will go out and discover what is out there, but I never do. Every time I think about taking that first step to some wonderous adventure, something stops me. I don't know if it is my naïve fear stopping me, the guilt of leaving my family behind, or the thought of going out there and not finding what I want. I guess until the day I decide to gather my courage and take a leap of faith, I will have to settle for this dull life.

I pick another flower, this one pink, and add it to my multicolored collection. Flowers are such delicate and beautiful little things, and like me are stuck in this place. Do they ever think about leaving to some far-off place? Are they afraid of leaving like I am? Who can blame us for being afraid? Neither of us has gone far from the village. Well, I did once and only once. My head turns to the mountains that are slightly obscured by heavy fog.

"Freya, there you are." someone says from behind thankfully pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn and smile at Nichole who sluggishly stumbles her way up the hill to me.

"Do you need any help, Nicole?" I ask trying my best not to laugh at her as she stops to catch her breath.

"No." She huffs. "What I need is strawberries and whiskey after coming out here. When Tamara sent me to find you, she didn't tell me it would involve searching the entire village. I'm a flower vendor, not a messenger."


"I should have known that you were out here daydreaming, as usual, my feet could have been spared from these blisters."

"I'm not apologizing twice." I say gathering up my flowers and heading down the hill. Nicole follows huffing again when she realizes that she has to make the trip back down.

"So, what were you daydreaming about this time?" Nicole asks curiously.

"How I'm going to find a handsome guy to be with someday, what kind of house we are going to have, and how it is going to be miles away from Aston."

"Oh, not again." She groans. "Aston is your home and it always will be. Why can't you accept that?"

"Because I can't. The thought of spending my life stuck in one place, doing the same things forever is maddening."

"Freya, listening to you all day is what's maddening. Also watching you walk around in those brown rags you call clothes. I might have to leave Aston so I can find you a proper outfit." Nicole says picking at my brown shirt.

"We all can't wear pretty blue dresses like yours." I say jokingly.

"I understand why you want to get out there, but all of your friends and family are here. You don't want to leave us all behind do you?"

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