Chapter 17

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What would I say if I saw my parents, my real parents, at this moment? Well, first I'd tell them I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making them and everyone else worry like hell about me. I'd tell them to wish me all the luck in the world. Gods know I'll need it soon. What else would I tell them? If anything should go wrong, take care of my friends and bury me under my tree where the flowers can comfort me.

I slowly climb the cold marble steps of the citadel. The closer I get to the doors, the more my chest feels heavy. Already I begin to feel the crushing weight of this terrifying place. I don't know how anyone can stand it. This is it. Either these will be my final moments or hers. Hopefully, fate is on my side this time. I don't want to be alone but it's for the best. I can't risk anyone else getting killed for me.

"Delphine!" I confidently shout as I bang on the large steel doors. "I'm here. Come and get me!"

I knock again. Maybe I shouldn't rush into it. Maybe I should take in the sights one last time. Just in case. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I feel the cold, heavy wind as it blows around me. I listen to the chirping birds and their songs. They don't sound as cheerful but they sing on anyway. I need to be like them. No matter what happens I will sing my fight song and it will be heard from every city and every mountain.

The doors finally open but it's not Delphine who comes to greet me. Two angry-looking Noxi, one man and one purple-haired woman, stare down at me. After a second of awkward silence, their eyes light up as they quickly recognize me. 

"Freya Alder. You've come just in time for the celebration." The man says with a wicked grin. The two don't hesitate to roughly pull me inside and drag me off to who knows where.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was a celebration." I say as I take in the strange and familiar sights of this beautiful but deadly place.

Shinning red crystals hang from shimmering silver strings on the ceiling, red candles float above our heads, new tapestries have been hung up and, the normally empty, silent halls are filled with hundreds of Noxi. They're probably here to witness my demise. Or they're taking shelter here after I set fire to half of Noctem. Each Noxi gives me angry, dirty looks as I pass. I'm surprised that none of them try to end me right here. Some of them are bold enough to gossip and mutter about me. I hope they all get what they deserve in the end.

I am harshly dragged into the tree room where I once foolishly took comfort in. Delphine stands in front of the tree peacefully staring at the white petals that fall from it. When she turns and notices me her tranquil expression turns sour. Yeah, I'm not too fond of you either lady.

"Look who has finally returned to these sacred halls." Delphine says with a forced smile.

"These halls can't be too sacred if you're walking around in them." The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them. 

In an instant, her hand raises and the right side of my face starts to sting. Who knew such a dainty witch could strike such a hard blow. I deserved that one. I'm not too stunned that she did it. After everything I've done to anger her, I'm sure she wanted to do that for a while. Just as much as I want to poke out those ruby eyes that are currently staring daggers into my soul.

"I should cut out that sharp tongue of yours." She says with a scowl. "But first you will tell me why you have suddenly come back after I've had to chase you through all of Mortus." She's suspicious. I quickly attempt to erase all thoughts of Tinon and his plan from my mind. She might not have her full power but that won't stop her from poking into my mind.

"I saw the light." I tell her. "Maybe I realized that you were right after all. Or maybe I realized that you are a psychopath and if you get what you want you'll stop trying to kill my friends."

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