Chapter 3

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I take in deep shaky breaths as I see it from my window. Just above the dark horizon, I see the colors. Pink, yellow, purple, bits of blue. All the pleasing, light colors mix into the soft fluffy clouds. Anyone else would crave to gaze at a view like this but I dread it. Morning has come earlier than I want it to.

I got almost no sleep last night, continuously going over everything in my head; what happened last night, what I need to do, and what my plan is. What I plan to do is not simple, it's probably one of the hardest and most dangerous things that I have ever done or ever will do. But if things are ever going to be normal again it has to be done.

I take in a deep breath, wipe away the rest of my tears, and get ready. I quickly gather everything that I need but pause when I reach the door. I take one last, good look around the house and Nichole who spent the night curled up on the couch. I will miss both of them dearly. I do my best to save the image of them in my mind, just in case I don't see it again.

No. I can't think like this. I will come back home, I will see my friend again, and I will bring my family back. No matter what it takes I will succeed with these tasks. My strength and determination will be stronger than any monster I might face in that mountain.

"You can do this, you know that you can." I tell myself as I take in another breath. "You've gone over all the steps, you have your knife, you have your courage, you have everything that you need. Whatever happens to you, you have made your peace with it."

"Alright." I say as I open the door. "Let's go."

Aston is quieter than I would like it to be at the moment. The silence, although comforting it is also scary. As I cautiously step out onto the streets the only sounds I can hear are my footsteps and the chirping crickets. After what happened yesterday everything has me completely on edge. A cat rummaging through the trash, the wind slightly blowing through Mrs. Colter's wind chimes, even my own shadow. I'm already starting to miss the joyful crowds that I see during the day. Though I might be a bit spooked I am prepared. I keep a tight grip on the knife in my pocket waiting for someone to strike.

I continue walking, and as I make it to the edge of the village I hear someone's quickened footsteps behind me.

I should have checked to see who was behind me first but I won't risk taking any chances. No one innocent travels at a time like this. Without hesitation, I pull out my knife and turn to face my opponent. Whoever it is, is more than likely going to lose an eye but luckily I stop when I see who it is.

"Crazy Man... I mean Mr. Marley?" He flinches away from the knife that I still hold towards him. "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. You frightened me." I say as I tuck my knife away.

He stares at me with shock before speaking. "Young Fr... Freya. You frightened me as well." Marley says with a nervous smile. Even when speaking to me he can't help himself from shaking out of fear.

"I've come to warn you." he says. "I know what happened to your parents but you must not go to Mortus. It's too dangerous.

"How did you know?" I ask curiously

"I saw the men who took John and Tamara. I wanted to stop them but I was too afraid." he explains.

"It's not your fault. But I have to go save my parents before something terrible happens to them." I turn to leave but Marley suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"No! You can't go to that gruesome place. Please, you don't know what they will do to you there." He lifts up one of his sleeves and my eyes grow wide when I see the horrible marks and brands on his arm.

"Who did that to you?"

"The followers of Nox." Marley says sadly. His eyes suddenly look haunted as if he had seen a ghost. "They're there, they're always there. Always watching over us like vultures." He looks up at me with desperate eyes. "You don't have to go. I can take care of you or find a nice family for you to live with. You can't let them get you."

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