Chapter 11

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"Don't you think you've bought enough protection charms?" I ask playfully as Wren studies a light purple glass-looking charm.

Wren chuckles. "With you around, I don't think I have enough charms in stock. Plus I need to find a good charm to shield the house. It's not going to be permanent but it's better than nothing. What about you? Don't you think you've bought enough spellbooks?" He smirks glancing down at my basket full of all kinds of books.

"You can never have too many spell books." I say.

Wren and I both have been studying intensely for days since deciding to use magic. Well, I've been studying intensely. Unlike me, Wren is a natural when it comes to all things magic. He can read and speak Ingantem, he can mix potions with ease, and he can perform spells without lifting so much as a finger. I should have known. Wren is the son of the great witch Amelie, magic is in his blood. Of course, his skills far surpass mine.

It's amazing how much we have both changed. We went from detesting magic to using magic, from strangers to good friends. So far these are the only good changes I've had since coming here.

"If your goal is to turn my house into the citadel I'm sorry to say you won't succeed." Wren says watching me as I buy another small book.

"Alright, I get the hint. This is the last one, I swear. Knowledge is power and I'm going to need as much as I can get my hands on."

"Magic isn't everything." He says gently. "You are strong as you are. Don't forget that." I completely melt at the smile he gives me. Seeing one of his smiles feels like finding a light in the dark. I feel so comforted by it.

"Thank you." I say staring into those lovely amber eyes.

"Here comes trouble." The shopkeeper grumbles as he sees the Noxi heading our way.

Wren and I don't waste any time. We quickly move off to the side and out of their sight. We stand still against the wall. I'm already contemplating the spell that I would use just in case they approach us. A wave of my hand and each one of them would be on their knees. At least that's what would happen if I was any good at magic. The Noxi march past without even a glance in my direction and I quickly untense.

The Noxi seem to be looking for someone and thankfully it is not me. Things seem to calm down until I hear shouting and shrieking a few shops down from us. I come out of my hiding spot before Wren can stop me, join in with the crowd, and rush to see the commotion.

"Stop! Don't come near us!" A blue-skinned woman shrieks as she and her young son are surrounded by Noxi. The woman grabs her child and holds him close to her. She frantically looks to the crowd for help but it's clear that she won't get any.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be." One of the Noxi tells the panicked mother as he inches closer. "Give us the boy and we might let you live."

"Damn you. I'm not letting you take my son."

It doesn't take long for the situation to escalate. The Noxi grabs the boy's arm but the mother holds firm on his other one. They pull the boy back and forth as he cries and screams. For a moment I fear they will pull the poor boy apart until the mother loses her grip. They all tumble to the ground but the Noxi quickly recover. They snatch the struggling boy and begin to drag him to who knows where.

A mother can be as vicious as a wild animal when it comes to protecting her children and this one is no different. The mother stands looking more determined than ever. She grabs a rock and then lunges at the Noxi. I can't count how many times she hit them but the stone in her hand is getting redder every time she raises it. A few people in the crowd began cheering the woman on while the rest continue to look on in shock. The hope that the mother would triumph suddenly disappears when one of the Noxi manages to get up and knock the poor lady down.

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