Chapter 10

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"No." Wren says in a frustrated tone for the tenth time this morning. Mother always said that I am the most stubborn person in existence. If only she knew how wrong she is.

For nearly two weeks I've been trying to convince Wren to help me find Cyrus and the mysterious Veserac and for nearly two weeks I've been given the same maddening answer. The boy is as stubborn as the mountain itself. I understand his reasons for not wishing to go on such a dangerous journey. But sometimes I think he says no because he takes pleasure in seeing me flustered.

"Fine, you don't have to take me to him. Just lead me in the right direction." I suggest.

"No." He says again.

"Do you ever say anything other than no?" I grumble.

"You don't get it. Cyrus and the Veserac are nothing but a bunch of drunken thieves. They'd rather kill you than ever help you. Trust me, you are better off here."

"That might be true but I still have to try. If I don't then how will I ever get home?"

My time with Wren has thankfully extended far beyond the three days originally given. Honestly, I am too afraid to ask what has brought on the sudden change of heart. Maybe he just enjoys my company. Despite how annoying and demanding I may be he likes listening to my many stories of home, as well as listen to my crazy daydreams.

Maybe it's because he thinks that I can't last out there on my own. I'll be honest. I haven't faired the best since coming to Mortus. I might not be the strongest, and sometimes I don't think things all the way through. But I'm not completely helpless.

Or maybe he is just tired of being alone. Ten years is a long time to sit alone in an empty house. I can barely stand being alone in the house for a single day. I can't even begin to imagine how he feels.

Whatever the reason is I am grateful for it and him. In return for all of Wren's generosity, I do small chores for him while he's out at his many jobs. I also occasionally cook for him and luckily have not burned anything. What I do isn't much but it's the least I can do after he stuck his neck out for me.

Every day this place is feeling more like home, especially since I'm using some of the money I stole from Delphine to make this place more comfortable for us. But I doubt I will ever stop fighting to get back to my real home. Once or twice after one of my failed attempts, I think that staying here is my best option but then I remember Delphine. That witch's anger knows no bounds. She and the Noxi will search for me until their dying breaths.

The ocean that is my life never stays calm for very long. Treacherous waves are coming to drown me. I can't let them drown everyone else too. I have to get out. We all do. A strange and slightly terrifying thought suddenly pops into my head. Is it possible to set all of us free from this place? What price would need to be paid for every innocent in this city and what would the consequences of such a choice be?

"Are you done cooking breakfast yet?" Wren asks eagerly coming into the room. My dangerous thoughts swiftly disperse.

"You're not going to starve from waiting a few minutes. Don't worry I'm almost done." I say.

I briefly look up from the food sizzling in the pan and see a shirtless figure standing behind me and impatiently waiting for eggs. I attempt not to stare but my eyes remain fixed on his bare chest. What's wrong with me? I've seen plenty of shirtless guys before. So what makes him so captivating? Well, he does have that cute birthmark on his chest. Why am I thinking about this?

"Wow, your face is getting as red as the bacon." Wren says smiling playfully.

"Honestly, I don't know why I even washed your shirts. You don't seem to want to wear them." I say pulling my eyes away. "If you keep walking around like that I might end up burning your bacon."

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