Chapter 15

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I stare out to the familiar horizon that has comforted me for so many years. Blue skies, tall green trees, soft grass to lay on, and a nice shade to go along with it. Everything I could ever want is right here. I lie down and stare up at whispery clouds taking in relaxed breaths as I do. Nothing else matters in this moment. I am calm, I am safe and everything is as it should be. I could never leave this place for anything.

The wind gently blows, I close my eyes and listen to its whispers. On solenis et anet. In dreams, you remain.

My eyes fly open and I start to tense. I quickly sit up and scan my surroundings to see if anyone might be near. No one is here. I could have sworn that I heard a voice but maybe it was my imagination. Maybe I should focus on something else. Like the flowers.

The flowers look as lovely as ever today. Though some of them have yet to bloom, the ones that have are beautiful as they show off their bright, radiant colors. A large red one catches my eye and immediately I plan to pick it and add it to my collection. As soon as my fingers curl around the stem, the once beautiful flower turns into dust. The sense of panic sets in again. Something isn't right about this place.

The place I once took comfort in is starting to feel off. I strangely don't remember coming out here or much of anything else. How did I even get here? I concentrate as much as possible and then the memories come flooding back. The screams, the blood, the rocks crashing down around me, the feeling of suffocating, and Delphine. I then realize that none of this is real. This is nothing more than an illusion. 

"Nice try." I say calling out to Delphine. I can't see her but I'm certain she's listening. "I'm not foolish enough to fall for your cheap tricks."

"Clever girl. Had you carefully studied the art of illusion you would have discovered the truth much sooner." says the witch's voice in the wind. "It matters not now. Your mind is mine to bend and break. If this illusion isn't to your liking I have plenty more to offer you."

The world around me fades and then I am suddenly plunged into darkness. I can't run from it, I can't move, so I have no choice but to let the darkness swallow me whole. It's cold and empty here. In this place, I feel like nothing. Thankfully that feeling doesn't last for long. The world slowly reforms around me and I become surrounded by thick fog. I stumble around in it until I come upon a frightening and familiar sight. Hundreds of lifeless bodies lie on the ground in front of the large wooden gates of Mortus. 

"You're pitiful illusions don't scare me." I tell her confidently. Yes, their decaying flesh, lifeless eyes, and awful smells are chilling but at least they can't hurt me. 

Then out of the corner of my eye, I spot one of the bodies that start to move. Why must fate do this to me? There's no way I'll stand here while the other ones awaken. I take off running down the path. Despite the lack of muscle and bones, they catch up to me quickly. Once one of them gets ahold of my arm things take a turn for the worst. I am violently pulled back and forth by the creatures until I fall to the ground. But it does not stop there. They pull at my clothes, scratch at me, and bite me. No matter how much I kick, scream and fight they continue to try and tear me apart.

"Stop!" I shout.

"It will stop when you tell me where you have hidden yourself this time." Delphine says.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I manage to say. "I'm probably still buried where you left me."

"Still fond of telling lies like a child? Maybe this will correct that. It might also sway you to cooperate with me."

"Wait don't." I say even more fearful of the next illusion she plans to conjure. But it's too late. Everything around me fades away and I am once again thrust into the dark. When the world returns this time I suddenly feel like fainting. Delphine is clever and very cruel to pull something like this. I become teary-eyed and fill with both fondness and dread as I stare at the front of my own home. 

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