Chapter 14

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"Any day now." I mumble as I cautiously peek my head out of my hiding place. 

Thomas has spent most of the day organizing the mass exodus out of Mortus, the Veserac have been busy gathering up supplies and their families for the journey, and Wren has been placing magical protection charms on everyone he can. I have my own plans. Sneak out, foolishly don't tell anyone where I'm going, hide, fix a huge mistake that I made, make it back, and don't get caught.

It's not a particularly smart plan but it is a plan. It's one that has to succeed if I am ever going to sleep peacefully again.

My eyes remain focused on the busy road and I vigilantly scan the faces of each passer-by. I briefly pause my search to wrap myself further into my cloak. Even with it, the cold mountain weather seeps into me. I give a few quick rubs to my arms then turn to rub my freezing hands together but it doesn't do much.

"It's only for a few more hours." I tell myself. Soon I'll be soaking up the warm sun and I will have put all this mess behind me. If I can.

Sometimes I doubt if I'll ever get over everything that's happened to me in the past few months. An adventure like this is not so easily forgotten. Especially when you nearly die several times during it. The fear of becoming a complete wreck is something I think about often. Will I still creep around like a criminal? Will I still have to watch my back even in the comfort of my own home?

At least I'll have my family with me and Thomas and Wren. Things will definitely not be normal again but I'll get through it. Maybe I can live somewhere in between.

After a few more moments of anxiously waiting and shivering from the cold, I finally spot him. His calm and melancholic face illuminated by lantern light. Of course, he's out doing errands like the obedient servant that he is. I don't hesitate to come out of my hiding spot and approach him.

"Lancel." I quietly call out.

He gives me a somber smile. "The terror of Mortus graces me with her presence. I'm honored. It's good to see you again but you shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous."

"Is that what Delphine's calling me now? That's funny. If anyone is the terror it's her. I know it's dangerous but I'm here anyway."

"Why?" Lancel asks skeptically.

"To fix one of my many mistakes since coming here. To help you."

"After the last conversation we had? I highly doubt you're here to help me."

Lancel steps further into the light and I can't help but turn away from the unpleasant sight. Horrific bruises trail from his head down to his legs. I can see the exhaustion in his eyes or well eye. The left one is swollen shut. What has Delphine been doing to him?

"Things have been difficult since you left." He says sadly.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

"Don't be. I deserved this. It's fine."

"No, it's not. I can't fix what Delphine has done but I can still help you." I take in a few deep breaths. This could go horribly wrong but I'm going to do it anyway. It's the right thing to do. "We found a way out of Mortus and I want you to come with us."

Lancel looks for a moment shocked but that quickly fades. "I'm sorry but no. I can't." He turns to leave.

"Wait, why not?" I ask.

"You know why. You know where my loyalties lie. Besides she would kill us both for even attempting something like that."

"You should be loyal to yourself. At least you'd be dying for your freedom instead of dying for her wicked agenda. You know the truth as well as I do. It doesn't matter how loyal you are. She'll keep hurting you and eventually she will kill you. If anyone in this city deserves their freedom it's you."

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